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12 Ways To Beat Loneliness And The Loneliness Epidemic

The Loneliness Epidemic is a growing problem as people are becoming increasingly lonely in the United States and around the world. While the problem of loneliness is a problem which people face whether they are single, in a relationship, or married there are ways to deal with loneliness. These are twelve tips to help those who are dealing with loneliness on how to beat loneliness and the Loneliness Epidemic.

How Singles Can Beat Loneliness

Accept Loneliness

The first step with anything is to accept it. Accept that loneliness is real. It is also important to know that loneliness and social isolation increases your risk of an early death according to studies by 50%.

Recognize Loneliness

Learn to recognize the different characteristics which are associated with loneliness. You are able to feel loneliness. Loneliness will ruin your sleep and sleep cycle. Loneliness can also lead you down a path of bad and self-destructive habits. It can also affect your mental health.

Nurture Relationships

Relationships can be difficult since your friends work and may have a different schedule, but work to schedule a time to meet with a friend. You can do this by reaching out to your friends to schedule a time to meet for coffee, lunch, drinks, or to do something that you both enjoy doing together. You can also start conversations with and connect with your neighbors where you live. You can also find like-minded people who share the same interests as you by looking for community by joining a group or club.

Practice Positive Self-Talk and Self-Love

Talking and thinking negatively about yourself will only increase loneliness and not help you feel better as a person. Learn to love yourself and to accept who you are as a person.

Find a Hobby

Find something that you enjoy doing and focus on doing that when you are feeling lonely. There are a number of different things that you can do as a hobby. If you don’t have one and don’t know where to start, begin here.

Focus On Others

Focus outwardly on the needs of others rather than on yourself. This will help to refocus you towards other people and to be better tuned to what people are saying through their body language, conversation, and their aspirations.

Find A Community

If you do not have a community, then you should find one because it is an important way to beat loneliness.

Be Persistent

Be persistent in working to get together with friends, community, volunteering, and getting outside to interact with other people. Make this a goal to work towards to help to defeat the feelings of loneliness.

Always Show Up

Always show up to events that you plan to attend that are of interest to you. Do not miss an event because you do not feel well because that feeling is what you are working to get past. Show up to meet new people and to interact with others.


A great way to work to get over loneliness is to give time back to your community by volunteering. Find an organization that you support and volunteer to help the organization to achieve its goals while helping your community.


Practice kindness to others. This will take the inward focus on yourself and direct it outwards towards other people. This will help to make you feel less lonely because you are not solely focused on yourself but on others.

Seek Professional Help

If your loneliness is especially bad and you suffer from other mental heal issues such as depression, then seek professional help. A professional counselor or therapist can better help you to work towards overcoming isolation, loneliness, and depression. It will take work but it will help you in the long run.


The Loneliness Epidemic is a problem despite being an age of constant connection with social media. If you are suffering from loneliness, whether you are single or in a relationship, practice these twelve tips and consider a counselor or therapist if it is bad enough that it affects your daily life. Loneliness is, unfortunately, common today so do not be ashamed if you suffer from loneliness because you are not the only one today.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!