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15 Reasons Why Single Men Are Giving Up On Women

It is no secret that men are dating less and that men are giving up on dating women. Single men are giving up on women and giving up trying to please their unrealistic expectations when it comes to dating. There are many reasons for this can include classic fights between the battle of the sexes. However, there are other reasons men have given up on women in the 21st Century and why dating is declining. These are fifteen reasons men are giving up on women and why men are deciding that it is preferable to stay single rather than deal with the hassle of dating and marrying women.

Change Men

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of women always trying to change men and making men into their pet project. Once men get into a relationship with men, after a while, the man they are dating becomes their project to change. Women tell men that the changes that they are making are for their benefit and will make them better people to everyone they encounter. Is that true? Possibly. Is that right for them to do? Probably not. Should men put up with it? Only if men see themselves putting up with this person for their lifetime and are willing to compromise who they are for the person. Otherwise, men should not put up with this, which is why men get tired of women.

Make Men Into Their Pet Project

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of women making them into pet projects. They didn’t make these changes when they first met or began to date, but once their relationship becomes more serious women want to improve their man by making him their pet project. Men, single or not, should not put up with this and should be upfront that they will not put up with this or draw a compromise line. Bottom line: men are sick of being made into a pet project.

Not Communicating What They Want

Single men have given up on women because they do not directly communicate what they want and expect men to know by correctly reading body language. Women most often blame men for not communicating enough. Men are tired of always receiving the blame while women get away blame-free.

Decided That Women Are Not Worth Their Time

Single men have given up on women because they have decided that women are not worth their time trying to develop any type of relationship. Women have continually ignored them. Women have not been willing to get to know a guy as a friend. Women have stopped communicating with men when even when men are nice. Men have tried their best to be friendly, nice, and sociable and yet women still act those ways by following the bandwagon fallacy that all men are animals who are not worth their time.

Thought Of As Animals

Single men are giving up on women because they are sick of being thought of as animals. Women characterize men as being lowly animals who have human characteristics and are only necessary to put up with on a daily basis. This treatment implicitly makes women who think this way only view men as animals and damage their relationships with men. Men are tired of being thought of as animals and rightly should not put up with it.

Men Are Disappointing

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being thought of as a disappointment. If men are friends with women who believe this about men, they will likely not remain friends for long because it is detrimental to their friendship. These types of thoughts, values, and statements hurt men, yet it is perfectly acceptable for women to say things like this, while if men did something similar, they would be called sexist or misogynist. This is a double standard that is acceptable to society. For women that think this about men, men are tired of hearing these things and putting up with them. It is no surprise that men continue to leave women. Men are sick of it.


Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being thought of as man-children. Women think that men are merely grown children. It is true that men take longer to mature and for men’s brains to develop than women's, but that is not why women call men this. This term assumes that men are immature and incapable of being adults and are still children. Men are tired of being portrayed as only grown children by the media and treated as such by women. If a man said something similar about women, they’d get called out on it. Are you starting to see a pattern and double standard here?


Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being thought of as a loser. Since they are a man-child, they must be a loser too because men must not have a great job or something else that is thought to make men a winner and a real man. Even if men may be smart and tech-savvy and have great jobs for today but lack social skills, so they fall into the “never had a girlfriend stigma’, women will still most likely call them losers. Men are tired of this thinking from women.

Rescue Men

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of women believing that they need to rescue men from themselves. Once single men start dating a woman and marry a woman, women think that it is their job to rescue their man from whatever they think is wrong with them. Women like to shape men into their own image. Men can only do their manly things in the “man cave” once they get into the relationship and partner stage. Single men are fed up with having women compartmentalize all men as needing to be rescued. Single men continue this trend of not dating women. You don’t need to be rescued and formed into someone who you are not by a woman.

All Men Are The Same

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of women thinking that all men are the same. Men are only the same in that they share xx chromosomes; beyond that, men have different interests, goals, and views on life. In short, all men are not the same. There are nice men. There are bad men. There are successful men. There are men with traditional values, and there are men with progressive values. All men are not the same. This false box that women put men into is yet another reason men have given up on women and do not want to get into a relationship. It’s not their fault. Relationships are two-sided so women need to take a look in the mirror as well.


Single Men are giving up on women because they are tired of being thought of and treated as trash. Men are thought of as trash. Enough said. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Tired of Being Told There Is Something Wrong With Them

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being told that there is something wrong with them because they are male.

Blamed For Relationships Ending

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of always receiving the blame for when a relationship ends. Relationships are a two-way street. This is true of friendships to marriages, yet men often are the ones who are blamed for a relationship not being successful. Stop blaming others and take responsibility when it is the fault of one or both parties in a relationship.

Their Fault If Women Are Not Happy

Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of it being their fault if women are not happy. If they cannot make women happy or are unhappy for some reason, men receive the blame even if they try to help. Most men don’t have the emotional dynamism that women want men to have that they think will make them be happy in a relationship. Men are sick of these unrealistic expectations and obligations that women believe men must fill in their lives.


Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being thought of as the evil gender. This follows from the idea of men being animals, men-children, and trash. Women are thought of as the good and perfect gender while men always are portrayed as the evil and inferior gender. Again, thoughts lead to actions and how people treat others. Men are tired of being thought of this way and treated as such.


Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of how women characterize, treat, and try to change men from the list above. All Men are not guilt-free, but not all women are guiltless either. It would be more beneficial if women tried to get along with men instead of attacking them. The same can be said to men about their relationships with women. Regardless, single men are learning to enjoy the single life, and single women are too. Stay civil singles with each other and learn to work with each other because the world would be really boring if it were only made up of men or women.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!