3 Ways To Increase Your Value As A Single Person

These are three ways to increase your value as a single person. The critical point is that your value does not come from a romantic relationship or other people.

Internal Validation

[bctt tweet="Internal validation is more important than external validation. " username="@secure_single"]First, you should focus on internal validation, not external validation. Society wants you to focus on external validation through dating and gaining value from others. It can also come by getting likes on your social media posts. You may think you must keep up with the Kardashians and Joneses,’ but there is no need to.Internal validation is the opposite. You get internal validation when you set and achieve goals. You can receive internal validation when you complete a project. You focus on improving yourself in every area of your life, from your health to relationships to finances. It is up to you to become the best version of yourself. You are the only one who knows what your goals are. It is up to you to reach your goals.


Second, you can focus on self-education. Education does not come from receiving a fancy overpriced piece of paper by attending a university. It comes from you learning about the things that you are interested in learning about. It does not matter what it may be. It has become easier and less expensive to learn as a result of the Internet. You can now learn from people who have a track record and can present information to you that you would otherwise not have come across by reading articles online, watching videos, pictures, pdfs, and purchasing digital courses.You know what you're interested in. If you do not, you can learn. What you are passionate about can help you in other areas. Today, you can even find ways to monetize your interests and skills with the Internet.

[bctt tweet="The best investment is in yourself. The best education is your own education. Never stop learning!" username="@secure_single"]

Increase Your Income

Third, find ways to increase your income. Inflation is not going away. You better plan to find ways to deal with that issue by building more income streams.The traditional options are to get a second or third job, but you will continue to trade your time for money with that option. Another strategy is to find ways to make passive income. Passive income streams do take longer to build. But you only need to create them once. You can then continue to add to them. Some passive income streams include:

  • Advertising revenue by running ads on a website, YouTube Channel, and other platforms where you can run ads.

  • Affiliate marketing. You can find products and services that meet the need of your audience and customers.

  • Self-publish an e-book and book on Amazon.

  • You can create and sell your own products or services.

    • There are lots of options to do this through the Internet today.

It is ultimately up to you to determine what best works for you. What worked for someone else likely won’t work for you since they have a different skill set. You must know your strengths starting out. Once you have a team around you, you can scale up faster.


Society wants you to be distracted and get your attention from others. The critical point is that your self-worth does not come from others or social media. You can get validation by reaching your goals. You can then find ways to learn new skills online to continue to develop. Rather than allowing your income to remain stagnant, you can work to find ways to create passive income streams.

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