30 Ways To Be Happy Single!

Why does society make people feel frustrated about being single? Can you be happy single? Yes, you can be happy single! Here are thirty ways you can be happy single! 

  • Mindset Shift 

    Mindset is everything! If you have a poor mindset, you remain stuck where you are. Her are three types of mindsets to be aware of.

  • Change How You Think About Being Single 

    You can work to shift your mindset regarding how you view being single. Society presents being single in a negative light. It will ultimately depend on you if you can change your mindset regarding how you think about being single. How do you view being single? Once you shift your perspective, your life changes for the better.

  • Fixed Mindset 

    A fixed mindset limits your options. It makes you stay where you are because you believe you can’t do things. A fixed mindset uses statements such as “I can’t do x” or “I’m unable to do x because of [insert excuse].” Another problem with a fixed mindset is that a person with a fixed mindset often believes that skills and knowledge are set from birth. This means that they must naturally be talented at something to become successful. They are unable to improve themselves through development or growth.

  • Growth Mindset 

    In contrast to the fixed mindset is the growth mindset. A growth mindset uses statements such as “I can do something” or “I can do it. I need to learn how.” A growth mindset recognizes that skills and talent can be learned. When you have a growth mindset, you continually work to improve yourself in different areas of your life.

  • Solo Travel 

    One of the many benefits of being single is having the freedom of a single life. You can enjoy your space as a single person by traveling! It could mean traveling to a nearby city. It could mean visiting another state. It could mean traveling to another country.  Don’t be afraid to travel or to talk to a stranger because you never know what could happen.

  • Life Experiences 

    Traveling is a great way to gain valuable life experience. It may mean going on a trip to another country and creating memories you remember for the rest of your life. Another way could be going out to talk to people at a bar, lounger, or restaurant so that you can also have engaging life experiences. Your life experiences set you apart from your peers more than a college degree.

  • Life Lessons

    You learn vital essential life lessons. Whether driving to a nearby town, going on a solo trip, or from people you meet in the city where you live. If you pay attention to what people tell you, especially those older, you can learn from their mistakes and become successful in life sooner.

  • Learn From Others 

    You can learn from others when you talk to someone online, at a bar, or when you meet someone on a trip abroad. You can learn from another country’s culture and traditions when you travel abroad that are different from your home country. You can also learn from others you meet by having a conversation with other people whom you meet. They may tell you stories that you can learn from. They may say to you precisely what they regret doing in their life. They may also teach you valuable skills that you may later use in life. It is up to you whether you want to heed the life lessons and learn from others or to learn things the hard way by learning things on your own.

  • Relationships 

    Romantic relationships get the most attention, but there are both positive and negative relationships to be aware of on your journey to being happy single.

  • External Validation 

    Relationships, no matter the type, are a form of external validation. Most people have friends so that they can do things that they don’t have to be alone. People seem to think that there is a problem with spending time alone. When you get validation from others, you may find yourself over-socializing. This will result in you spending less time learning hard skills and working on yourself.

  • Relationship With Yourself 

    The most complicated relationship to have is with yourself. You know all your weaknesses, shortcomings, and regrets. If you cannot accept yourself, you continue to be hard on yourself. You continue to be your own worst enemy.

    Once you shift the mindset to accepting yourself and having a relationship with yourself by knowing yourself, you begin to succeed. You can start to have a more positive outlook on life. You begin to feel better about yourself. You also start to feel less stressed about not being in a romantic relationship and embrace being single—a mindset in everything. Until you truly know and accept yourself, you remain stuck.

  • Friends 

    Friends are the family you can choose. It depends on whether they are good or bad friends. You want to surround yourself with people who share similar values and goals. This is harder because it requires time to build new relationships with people. It then takes time to maintain a relationship with friends.

  • Family 

    Family is a naturally built-in social connection that you have. While no family is perfect, it is often easier to have conversations with your family than to spend time getting to make a new friend.

  • Community 

    You can also find ways to get involved in your community. Community is not as fixed as friendship or family because what community means and looks like depends on each individual. For some, it may mean making some casual friends out at their favorite bar, and for others, volunteering for political campaigns or a non-profit organization and spending time at the park or gym. An individual is responsible for finding, building, and choosing their community. It is then up to them how much they want to be involved or dedicate to it.

  • Negative Relationships

    While there are positive relationships, you can also have negative relationships with people Here are two types of negative relationships to be aware of.

    • Toxic People 

      Toxic people can be friends, family, coworkers, or people who make you feel bad about yourself. Examples of toxic people include narcissists, drama kings or queens, and people who think they are always right. It is essential to be able to identify toxic people. You then want to remove them from your life. They only hold you back.

    • Superficial Friends 

      While friends are good to have, you need to be aware of superficial friends. Superficial friends are shallow people. They do not add any value to your life. You find yourself going out to a bar or restaurant with them only to discover yourself repeatedly having the same conversation. It gets boring. It is also a waste of time and money to stay friends with a superficial person. Superficial friends may not necessarily be toxic, but they are time wasters. Similar to toxic people, you may want to consider ending your superficial friendships.

  • Health

    One of the ways that you can begin to feel better about yourself is to focus on your health. Here are three main ways to focus on your health.

    • Diet 

      A healthy diet is vital in helping you feel and look your best. A balanced diet helps to give your body the fuel it needs to work effectively. You will be more susceptible to illnesses if you don’t consume a well-balanced diet. There are many popular diets that you can choose from depending on your lifestyle and dietary restrictions. Here are some popular diets: carnivore, vegan, vegetarian, Keto, and the Mediterranean diet.

    • Exercise 

      Along with following a healthy diet, exercising regularly is also essential. Exercise helps you to lose weight, get the blood flowing in your body, and makes you feel better. Some ways to get exercise are to go for daily walks, ride a bike instead of driving, go on a hike, or go to the gym.

    • Gym

      You can join a gym which will give you access to more types of weights, machines, and cardio equipment. Access to more equipment will provide you with more options and make it easier to work towards your health goal. It could be losing weight, getting fit, or building muscle. You can then consistently go to the gym to begin to work to meet your personal health goal. Going to the gym is also a good way to teach yourself self-discipline since you will start to see results for your consistency over time.

    • Money

      Money makes the world go round. It also is needed to live. You can learn money basics before moving on to more advanced money practices. Here are four fundamental things to work on when managing and growing money.

      • Budget 

        You can begin to follow a budget. A budget helps you manage and grow your money over time. A popular budget to mind is the 50/30/20 budget. The 50/30/20 budget works by allocating fifty percent of your income to your needs, thirty percent to your wants, and twenty percent to automatically go into your savings account. Your needs include paying rent, utility bills, and groceries every month. Your wants would be going to a bar or restaurant, a subscription to an entertainment service, or buying new clothes you may want but don’t need. You then put the final twenty percent of your monthly income into your savings account to save for a rainy day or build your FU Treasure Chest.

      • Savings

        As you begin to save money each month, you can start to build up your savings account. While a savings account doesn’t give you high-interest today, it is still a good starting point until you become more sophisticated. Once you have enough money in your savings account to cover a year’s worth of expenses, you can begin to put some of the money from your savings into a high-interest savings account, certificate of deposit, and a money market account. These are low-risk ways to earn more interest without taking on many risks.

      • Investing 

        Once you have enough money saved and invest in basic low-risk accounts, you can start to learn about investing. You can begin to learn about the stock market, cryptocurrency, and real estate and even consider starting your own business. There are different types of stocks that you can buy. Two common types are dividend-paying stocks and growth stocks. You can also consider cryptocurrency as a way to get outside the financial system. Another option is to invest in precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum as a tool for wealth preservation. You can also consider investing in real estate. Real estate is a way to generate passive income from a tenant.

        The final option is to start your own business. Today you have two options when it comes to starting a business. You can have a physical business or an online business. You may have fewer risks and encounter fewer startup costs than a physical business. There are many creative ways to create income streams for an online business today. You can also make money from advertisements on websites or from a YouTube Channel. One of the great benefits of having an online business is that you can work from anywhere in the world, so you can decide to live in a less expensive country.

  • Develop In-Demand Skills 

    You can work to develop skills that are in demand. You could learn tech skills. You may want to learn a trade skill. You may even like to learn business skills to become an entrepreneur to start your own business. Tech skills in demand are cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing, computer programming, and artificial intelligence. In-demand trade skills include plumbing, construction, painting, human resource specialist, and electrician. Business skills are not really able to be taught. They must be learned over time, but some of the key skills that an entrepreneur must have are being able to manage people, creative and critical thinking skills, and an understanding of finances to find ways to grow a business.

  • Build Up Your Net Worth

    You want to always find ways to build up your net worth. In the traditional employee model, you are stuck on a fixed source of income. Your boss could fire you at any time. Today, you can discover ways to make passive income streams online. You can also work side hustles alongside a job to earn extra money. Never stop working on improving yourself. Never stop working to find ways to increase your net worth.

  • Financial Freedom 

    Financial freedom merely means living without having to worry about money. It looks different for each person. It depends on what type of lifestyle someone expects to want to live. At the bare minimum, it means not having any debt. It could mean that someone else has a mansion in an expensive state and makes seven figures a year. Today, it is easier to attain with the Internet because you can create multiple passive income streams.

  • Personal Development

    Self-development plays a vital role in the life of singles. Without it, they remain stagnant.  Here are eight ways singles can focus on personal development.

  • Self-Discipline 

    If you want to succeed in anything, you must learn self-discipline. Self-discipline is required for freedom. Consistency is the first step to being to develop self-discipline. You can then begin to build better habits, such as going to bed and waking up at a consistent time, working each day toward your goals, and becoming more organized. When you become more organized, you become more efficient.

  • Self-Love 

    Self-love means that you accept yourself and you love yourself for who you are as an individual. It is a type of love that is not often talked about. Romantic and erotic love receive the most attention from society. If you cannot love yourself, then you may never be able to be happy. You may then be unable to develop self-confidence. This may result in your having low self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Self-Worth 

    Your self-worth as a person is innate to you as an individual. However, society pressures people to get their self-worth externally from others or things like buying and having the latest gadget. When you begin to care about yourself and treat yourself better, you begin to experience your self-worth go up. You can also build up your self-worth and self-confidence by working to achieve your goals.

  • Self-Sufficiency 

    Self-sufficiency is relying on the system as little as you can. It could mean keeping the minimum amount of money in the banks. It could mean growing your food or relationships with local farmers in your area instead of always buying from a large grocery store chain. It could also look like having a few months' supplies of emergency foods in case of an SHTF scenario. It could also mean working to build your own business so that you are no longer reliant on an employer for income.

  • Self-Reliance 

    You can also work to develop self-reliance. You can become more self-reliant by starting to pay off any debt you may have. You can find creative ways to increase your income and build multiple income streams to become financially independent. You don’t want to rely solely on a single paycheck from one employer. What happens if they decide to fire you? What happens if they choose to replace you with robots or technology? You can also become self-reliant by growing your own garden, raising your own animals, and getting to know your local farmers in your area. Another way to develop self-reliance is to be out of the financial system as much as possible by holding precious metals and cryptocurrencies.

  • Escape From The System

    The system is working precisely as intended. It is meant to keep you down. It is designed to keep you living paycheck to paycheck. It wants you to be unhappy. It wants you to remain stuck. It creates conflict by making people fight against each other over things that don’t matter. Such as politics. What they may or may not have between their legs. The color of someone’s skin. What someone may or may not wear on their face. What someone may or may not have put into their bodies. Divide and conquer is how the system works to keep people confused and keep you from successfully reaching your goals.

  • Internal Validation 

    Internal validation is the process of how you vindicate yourself. You prove to yourself that you can do something. When you prove to yourself that you can do something you have set as a goal for yourself. You also develop self-confidence. As you become more confident and accomplish more of your goals, you begin to improve yourself each day steadily. Rather than getting validation from others, you can get it from yourself by completing your life goals.

  • Think For Yourself 

    In a society that wants to tell you how to think from the news, entertainment, politicians, and the education system, your neighbor wants to tell you what to think. It is critical to be able to think for yourself. It just requires being able to question authority. Stand for your principles. Don’t immediately make decisions but take time to think. Don’t be afraid to question everything!

    The education system does not teach you how to think because the education system, from kindergarten to higher education, is intended to indoctrinate people. It does not want critical thinkers. It is designed to create employees and citizens who do not question. The mainstream media is used to keep you in a state of fear. The entertainment industry is meant to ensure that you continue wasting your time watching meaningful entertainment instead of working to improve yourself and reach your goals.

Think for yourself. Question authority. Question everything.


It is up to you to change your mindset. It is up to you to stop believing the lie that society tells you that there is something wrong with being single. It is up to you to improve your relationships, health, and financial situation. You can be happy single!

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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