5 Simple Ways To Be A Great Single Host In The 21st Century

Being a host to someone who is staying with you can be stimulating and tiring. It is exciting to see a good friend and to be their host while they are in town. However, you are responsible for making sure that they have a good time in your city. You are responsible for making sure that they enjoy their stay. It can be difficult to host as a single, but here are five simple ways for how to host a guest.

Be Prepared

Start to clean up your apartment or house a few days before your guest arrives to your residence. Wash and dry any sheets and bedding that your guest will use. Once the sheets are cleaned, organize them and place them at a location that is easy to access once your guest is ready to go to bed. After the sheets are ready, wash any other clothes and towels that you may use while your visitor is with you. Vacuum and tidy up your living area. Clean your dishes, kitchen, and check your refrigerator for any old food that has expired or that you have finished that can be thrown out. After you have cleaned your kitchen, head to your bathroom. Organize all your toiletries that are on your counter. Spray your mirror with an all-purpose cleaner and then scrub your toilet and shower to make your bathroom spotless. Finally, make sure that all the areas that your guest will see are welcoming by having any furniture and accessories placed where they need to be in there proper living areas. You are now prepared for your guest.

Communication is Key

Communication is important in any relationship. In the context of a host, communicate with your guest to make sure they have everything they need. Let your guest know that they can ask you questions by text or phone, if you will not be with them through their whole visit. Know what they want to do during their visit. Do they want to chill? Do they want to see some of your favorite spots in your city? What do they want to do? Make sure you know what they want to accomplish while they are your guest. Communicate and have a plan.

Have a Plan

Some personalities do not like having a plan so you should know your guest. It is always a good idea for a host to have a plan prepared for a guest. Discuss with your guest before they visit what they want to see and do. Is this their first time visiting the city? Have they visited before? What types of things do they enjoy doing? You can have a list of all the main tourist attractions and locations prepared for you guest. This tourist list can also include transportation options for how they can get their if you are unable to be with them everywhere over their visit due to obligations or work. If they have visited before, direct them towards some of your favorites spots or find places that they would go to if they lived in the city. Take them to some of your favorite restaurants, bars, local events, and the popular neighborhoods in the area.

Coming Back from Day Trips

The 21st Century brought people the Internet and other technologies that have made life easier. However, as a host you will need to provide your guest your wireless network’s password so they can access the Internet. It would also be wise to change your wireless network settings to create a guest account for when you have visitors. This will separate your network, and connected admin data, from your guest making your network more secure. Also consider adding a MAC filtering and be sure to update the firmware on your router and ISP to have the latest version while you have a guest whose device and Internet could potentially harm your network and connected devices. Since people have a number of devices today, make sure that there is a charging strip in the living area or room where they will be staying to charge their devices.

After Your Guest Leaves

The day that your guest is leaving make sure to take them to the airport or provide them transportation options for the best ways to get to your city’s airport. Tell your guest what light rail, subway, or bus line will take them to the airport if you are unable to take them yourself. Another option is always to take a taxi, Uber, or Lyft if they are more pressed for time to get to the airport. Say your goodbyes, thank them for visiting, and tell them that you enjoyed their visit and that you hope that they will come visit again. After they have left, it is time to clean up all of your guest’s sheets and any other areas that need to be cleaned. Repeat step one as necessary.There are you go. Five easy steps for how to host a guest when you are single and live alone. Apply these steps whenever you have guests and your visitors will want to return to see you and your city again.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!



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