Anti-Valentine's Day Ideas For Singles

Celebrate Valentine’s Day this year by hosting an Anti-Valentine’s Day party with all of your single friends. At the Anti-Valentine’s Day party, you can celebrate not being in a romantic relationship. In contrast, you can observe other types of love. Here is a quick guide for how to host a party. These are six Anti-Valentine’s Day party ideas for singles of topics that they can discuss at an Anti-Valentine’s Day party.  

Talk and Make Fun of Your Exes

 You can get together and talk with your friends about your past exes. This Valentine's Day is an opportunity to share stories about your exes, weird things your past exes did, and to talk about why you enjoy now enjoy being single. This Valentine's Day is a chance for you to pour out all of your emotions about your exes, open up about how you are coming to terms with being single, and starting to learn that there is nothing wrong with being single. 

Celebrate Your Friends

 You don’t need a significant other to celebrate Valentine’s Day because you can celebrate with your friends and family. Phileo is the friendship love. It is the relational love that people experience with their friends and community. Go out with your friends that Valentine’s Day. Get together with your best friend on Valentine’s Day. Celebrate and cheers to your friendship by having an Anti-Valentine's Day party. 

Celebrate Your Family

 Storge is the love of family. It is a natural familial love between parents and children. You can celebrate your family this Valentine’s Day. Get together with your siblings and parents, and cheers to your family and storge love. Call your family, do a video call, or get together with your family at your house, apartment, or go out to a restaurant. If your family pressures you to date, then you can have some prepared responses. Celebrate your family and not being in a romantic relationship this Valentine’s Day. 

Celebrate Self-Love

 Celebrate self-love this Valentine’s Day. Self-love is being able to appreciate yourself for who you are that grows over time as you support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love leads to personal happiness, self-fulfillment, and holding yourself in high regard in a society that stereotypes you for being single and wants you to conform to it. There is nothing wrong with choosing to celebrate yourself! You can also celebrate self-love with your friends or family on Valentine’s Day. 

Celebrate Your Individuality As A Single

 Celebrate your individuality, which follows self-love. Celebrate your uniqueness as a single on Valentine’s Day. Everyone is unique. Celebrate your unique identity this Valentine’s Day. Think about your strengths, interests, and what makes you unique as a person. When you combine this with self-love, you will be on your way to better knowing yourself as a person and know that you can be strong and stand up to a society that wants people to conform to it. 

You Are Free To Celebrate How You Want

 Ultimately, celebrate Valentine’s Day how you want because you are in charge of your life. You can choose to treat yourself, celebrate self-love, and enjoy time with your friends in family. You don’t need a date this Valentine’s Day, so host an Anti-Valentine’s Day party for singles at your place or find a friend and work to host it together. 


 These are six Anti-Valentine’s Day Party ideas for singles and what singles can celebrate at an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party. This Valentine’s Day, have an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party with your single friends and reminisce about any past exes and celebrate that you can thrive as a single person.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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