5 Ways To Be Your Best Single Self During Holidays

Being single is awesome! And here is why. During this holiday season, we remind you of some special benefits only singles have. Being around friends and family during Christmas and New Years just got even better. When you are single, you have many doors open for you to experience new things and to also take time to go at your own pace when it comes to life, relationships, and career status. Being single is the time you have to ‘figure it all out’, but of course that is a lifelong journey. It is just easier when you're a single-mingle guy or gal. Here are five ways that remind you the holidays can be exciting. Here’s how you can be even better during it all. Here are five ways to be your best single self during holidays!

Travel Is Affordable

When you are single, like many of us millennials, then you’ve got a more affordable travel ticket. Most 60% of millennials do not have any children, which means that over half of millennials don’t have to worry about purchasing children tickets, or even their spouses' ticket.

You Can Drink

This may be one of the most fun parts of the holiday season. You can drink and be merry! Often times, you may have a significant other (S.O.) who works to constricts what you can/can’t do, or has an agreement with you that makes you have certain boundaries. As a single, you can break free, and do what pleases you!

You Can Have 1-on-1 With Your Family

Without dragging along a significant other, you can be present with all your family members to greet them, help in the kitchen, and spend quality time playing card games. You have a special time to spend with your family, and can do so without distractions.

Dress How You Want

Sometimes couples dress alike, or your significant other tries to tailor what you wear. Don’t worry about that this season, because being single allows you to be an individual, with no ball and chain. This is why you can be even better as a single person, without worrying about what to wear. So what if your dress is a little short, or your clothes just don't match. Wear what you want without having an S.O.’s opinion guide you.

You Can Become More Emotionally Stable

Many times when you date someone, you become emotionally enthralled with the other person. You depend on them emotionally, and sort of lose your sense of independence. The holidays can be an initial time for many of us, and when we have our independence to be emotionally stable, we don't have to worry about a significant other to depend out emotional well-being on. You can be better by being independent.


This holiday season, be even better as a single person by being independent and working your butt off to appreciate what you have. Work to love your single life and the independence it brings to you. Enjoy your holiday season, and have fun with your family, drinking and being merry, and being emotionally independent. 



Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice.


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