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Career Oriented Women Marry Later In Life

There are many reasons why millennial women marry later in life. It could be due to the fact that women now, more than ever, have more opportunity in the workforce to create their fortunes. It may also be true that alongside the ambitious women are those with student loan debt. It could be possible that one of the reasons that women work so hard is that they want to make something significant of themselves and they want to be financially free. These are some of the reasons that influence single women remaining single longer and delaying marriage, which is the new trend. With opportunity knocking at the door and financial freedom around the corner, women have began to blaze down the career path with relentless passion. Student loan debt is on the rise, and so is the cost of living. Women’s rights are also more liberated than ever, thanks to progressive women in history. Women who now have the opportunity to work more in higher and more advanced positions, and make a really good amount of cash flow to lessen and eliminate the burden of student loans. With our minds preoccupied, marriage and family are far from our minds. It is true that some women want a family and aspire to be good mothers, but it is also true that that is not the only option available for women. Go after what you want. Start that business, work three or more jobs to pay off your debt, learn new skills that make you marketable in the marketplace. Marriage used to be a union of economic security for women in previous generations, but now that is not the case because Marriage Rates Are Plummeting:

“The median age at first marriage is now 27 for women and 29 for men — up from 20 for women and 23 for men in 1960… Today an unprecedented portion of millennials will remain unmarried through age 40, a recent Urban Institute report predicted. The marriage rate might drop to 70 percent -- a figure well below rates for boomers (91 percent),”

What’s more is that having student loan debt does in fact delay marriage. Here are the stats about student loans:

General Student Loan Debt Statistics​


  • Total Amount of Student Loan Borrowers: 44 million +

  • ​Total Outstanding Student Loan Debt: $1.41 trillion +

  • ​Average Federal Student Loan Default Rate: 11.8%

  • Average Number of College Grads with Student loan Debt: 60%

  • Average Debt Per Borrower: $27,975

  • Average Debt Per Graduate: $16,723

  • Average Debt Per Graduate Student: $57,600

  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Public School: $26,828

  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Private School: $30,281

  • Department of Education's Estimated Profit Over Next 10 Years: $127 billion

 With student loans as a burden, and an economic climate of opportunity, it’s no wonder that women are taking advantage of having a career oriented life. To pay off your student loan debt and have a career you once could have only dreamed of, you can literally life the life you desire. Career oriented women are smart because they choose to make the most of their time developing into the best version of themselves.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!