5 Catphishing Red Flags For Singles To Be Aware Of Today

Catphishing is a common online dating romance scam. If you’re single but want to find love online there are some things you should know about these predators. They can hook you where it hurts— Your heart and your wallet.Of course, there are fraudsters in our lives everywhere— Not just online. But hiding behind a screen makes it so much easier for these shysters.

Some of the smooth catphishers online woo lonely singles with the promise of emotional security. Steve Baker an investigator for BBB told ABC News  "People all over the world are being ripped off by these same frauds. We got a real global problem.” Catphishing is a growing problem.

If You’re One Of The Relationship-Oriented Singles Thinking About Getting Online— Be Smart About It

Although the BBB reported there were 28,000 reported romance scams in 2017, there are some things you can do to protect your bank account and your emotional well-being.Many of these catfishing scammers begin with a "grooming phase" to create emotional attraction. The catfish ask questions about your life, send flirty text messages to create an emotional connection.If someone has been trying to make you have romantic feelings for them— Then they ask you to get a package delivered to your house or send them something like iTunes gift cards, twenty dollars here, or even more— Don’t do it. Keep your address private.When a person online asks you for “help” because their grandfather is “sick” or they are going to lose their house if they don’t make this mortgage payment— Don’t fall for the trick.Every person— Even smart well-educated people are prone to feeling an emotional connection to someone that isn't authentic. Especially if they are lonely. When you get the attention you crave, it feels good and creates bonding and even feelings of love.

Being A Relationship-Oriented Single And Getting Catphished Can Be Devastating

I know it hurts deeply because it happened to me.A man I met online who was so handsome and smooth sucked me right into his game. I let myself to get swept up in the romantic way he talked. I even googled his photos and found his main profile picture on a romance scammer website. But I was already hooked.I called him out about finding his picture on a site warning about him, I still wanted to believe that he was a good guy. My emotions took me over even though I knew better.I thought he cared for me. Thankfully I cut off the connection pretty quickly after I found out he was a scammer so he didn’t sink in the emotional catphishing hooks any farther. It was painful and I did a lot of crying because I felt so attached, confused and stupid for letting him pull the wool over my eyes.

There Are Some Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Catfishing As A Relationship-Oriented Single

Google your prospect's pictures on Google Images. You can save a photo from online and upload it to Google Images tab. Google will search the web for similar images.If their photo is on a Facebook profile, Instagram, business website or Linkedin account— You can check them out there. If you find the photo on a stock photography website, a romance scam website, or it comes up on a bunch of websites this is an indicator that they are a scammer.

Here Are 5 Tips For Relationship-Oriented Singles Can Use To Spot A Catfisher

  1. Talk to everyone you connect with on the phone and trust your vibes. If they give you the heebie-jeebies believe your feelings and stay away from them.

  2. If a person puts off meeting you in person one too many times, this is a smooth catfish maneuver. Excuses don’t create relationships, meeting in person and communicating does.

  3. Take your time sharing personal information about yourself until you get to know someone and meet in real life.

  4. When someone asks you for gifts, money or gift cards put on the brakes fast and let them go.

  5. If someone says they live in Kuwait or some other far away country— Be Wary.

Online dating can be one of the best places to meet new people that could be a potential partner fo for relationship-oriented singles. Keep yourself open-minded and aware of what is really going on with people from online.If you feel unsure about someone you’ve met online, do some internet investigative work on your match. You can also talk to a trusted friend or your favorite dating coach about it.Don't be afraid to do some private investigating on a potential date and if they seem shady contact the authorities. Secure yourself against catphishing today singles!

Lots of Love, Dina Colada

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice.


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