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Defeat Laziness: 5 Life-Changing Ways To Get Things Done

Laziness, or procrastination, prevents you from achieving success. By being lazy, you allow comfort to dictate your life and never take any action. Being stagnant hinders you from reaching goals. Here are five life-changing ways to defeat laziness to get things done.

Power Of Small Actions

Take small actions each day to better yourself. The power of tiny daily acts enables you to reach a goal. It's important to remember that it takes time to accomplish a goal. Patience is key, and nothing is done overnight. Trust the process and keep taking those small steps. 

When I wrote my first book, it took me nearly two years. I had to write words that became sentences. Sentences became paragraphs. And paragraphs became chapters. I then had to edit and revise the book. I then had to figure out how to format and get a cover design done for the book. This was all done by taking a series of intentional small steps with a final goal.

Make deliberate and thoughtful choices daily and take action to achieve your goals.

Stop Making Excuses

You can always arrive at a reason to be lazy instead of taking action. But when you stop making excuses, you will see your life change and feel a sense of achievement that comes from overcoming these barriers.

By no longer making excuses, you will start to transform your life. This transformation is not just about action but about empowerment. Stopping to make excuses is the first step toward accepting responsibility for yourself.

You know that things will only get done if you do them. Each time you allow an excuse to win, you take the easy way out, which does not lead to success.

Self-responsibility leads to independence. So, stop making excuses and start building good habits.

Develop Good Habits

You can choose to develop bad or good habits. Bad habits are easier to pick up because they are more widely promoted by society and accessible. Bad habits are negative behaviors and actions that harm your well-being and prohibit you from reaching your goals.

Bad habits negatively impact your life. You are on a journey of transformation. It's easier to succumb to bad habits, but the journey of overcoming them and adopting good ones brings about a profound change. Breaking free from bad habits leads to better relationships and a life of happiness, health, and success. 

Good habits are like seeds that you plant for a bountiful future. They may take time to grow, but they are the behaviors and actions that will help you flourish in the present and contribute to your long-term well-being and goal achievement. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are worth the patience and commitment. 

Positive habits improve your personal life and strengthen relationships with friends and family. Good habits also play a crucial role in your professional life and can significantly improve your health. Remember, your habits shape your life and affect the lives of those around you. 

Set Life Goals

Setting goals is your compass for life, empowering you to steer your own direction. Stagnation is like murky, stale water, once healthy but filled with algae and mud. But just as movement and change can cleanse the water, goal-setting can rejuvenate your life.

Without goals, life does not change. You live. With goals, life evolves and progresses for the better. 

Setting goals for yourself is not just a task; it's a purpose. It's why you wake up each morning, the fuel that drives you forward. Goals give you something to strive for, a reason to keep pushing. 

It's not about having a laundry list of goals. It's about focusing on a few key ones. A simple method is to write down all the goals you want to accomplish over your lifetime. Once you have them all written down in front of you, decide on your top five goals. Focusing on a few primary goals lets you direct your attention, energy, time, and resources toward what truly matters to you. These are your core goals that will receive all of your focus and determination. 

Do you want to remain stuck where you are with no direction? Or grow in self-confidence over time as you complete goals? 

Practice Diligence

Negligence is the death toll to anyone. Whether you are writing a paper, working for an employer, or in charge of your business, being lazy and doing minimal work will always result in unsatisfactory results. A poorly written paper. A dissatisfied employer. A failed business. 

Being negligent often leads to discontentment in your own life because you know you can do so much more. However, being diligent and doing tasks correctly the first time is a long-term investment in your future. It can save you from the pain and stress of having to go back or always learning the hard way by doing things incorrectly. 

Diligence is about making the right choices and being aware of your expectations. But it's not just about awareness. It's about taking control. Diligence is about making proactive choices and taking daily action to move forward. This is the power of diligence. Being diligent and proactive positively shapes your future. And remember, it's perseverance that ensures you stay on this challenging path, no matter the obstacles. 

Strategize and devise a plan to help you reach your goals. But remember, it's not just about the plan. It's about the execution.

Be industrious and do the necessary work and daily action to achieve your goal. By being diligent and proactive, you can experience success. 


You only have one life to live. You can procrastinate and remain stuck where you are your entire life. Or you can practice these five daily strategies to get things done and achieve your goals. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.