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Enjoy Spring As A Single

Lucky for me, I live on the East Coast and get to experience the flowers blasting out of the cold grey soil every year. But before I can enjoy spring and see those pink and purple and yellow blooms— winter can feel draining.

The first way for me to enjoy spring is actually a little before spring

Witch hazel blossoms spray their scent into my nose in February with is gnarly twigs right beside my car. It reminds me . . . Spring is coming. It’ll be here soon. But in my world, it’s not fast enough. 

Before the Spring season arrives, I get borderline depressed

Outside it's dreary, cold and overcast for far too long. My body is craving sunlight and flowers and walking outside without rubber muck boots and too many clothes. I’m more comfortable with soft skirts, tank tops, and no shoes. But thankfully my only source of warm light won’t be the Body Angel machine at Planet Fitness for much longer. My single self will be working out, outside instead of inside. 

One thing I start to do that makes me feel better is my spring things list

You can create your very own spring list, or you can steal mine. Whatever makes your life easier is OK by me. It’s official. Spring is finally here.

If it’s still too cold outside for you wimpy butt, then you can read some spring quotes

Here are a few spring fling quotes for you to get started:“In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.”— Mark TwainMark was paying attention.“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”— Margaret AtwoodMost days I try NOT to smell like dirt. “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’”— Robin WilliamsOf course, Robin Williams said it best. Talking about parties . . .

It’s time for you to plan your spring party

Invite a friend or two (or twenty) to join you in your flower surrounded shenanigans. We’re going to go a little childish here, but I think that’s a good thing. Sometimes life is too dang serious. Nature is one of the best places for you to play for spring activities, so I’m going to create springs things list for you to enjoy.

Plant some green stuff

Start some herb seedlings in your kitchen. You can eat them as they get big. Re-pot your houseplants and start some cuttings from the heart-shaped pothos plant your Grandma gave you. It’s the one plant you have managed to keep alive for any amount of time. Low maintenance plants and friends are the company I like to keep.

Being outside instead of inside is the spring fever way

Take a trek to see a Cherry Blossom display. The scents of fifty trees with soft white petals is intoxicating. Especially if the wind blows. Don't’ wait too long though. Those flowers are fragile and make the best photograph.

Go to a cafe with outdoor seating for the love of spring!

Enjoy the birds with a hot macchiato or mint tea with some local goldenrod honey.

Get your butt on a swing set

When was the last time you did that? One of my friends had a swing in his living room. I used it every single time I went for a visit. It will do your body wonders. It wasn’t outside, but it still worked with 2 skylights overhead. It was almost the same.

And last but not least . . . Go climb a tree, or at least hug one

It doesn’t have to be a big tree. A little one will do. Do yourself a favor and get your wintery dry skin hands on it. Those trees (we take for granted every day) do more for us than we usually think about. Give yourself a little single love and you’ll get more in return.

Lots of Love, Dina Colada

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice.