5 Ways To Spring Into The Single Life

Spring is a time of rebirth. Plants begin to sprout and birth new life as the season begins from what were once dead shrubs. Being single can also be a start of a new beginning. A relationship may have just ended and you are now on break. The single life is a time to grow and mature as an individual before entering a relationship or to just work on yourself. As the first day of Spring brings a new season, here are five ways to spring into the single life.


All flowers start as a seed before sprouting and finally blooming into a beautiful flower. The single life is no different. It is a time to grow and to get to know yourself better. It is also a time to prepare yourself for your potential mate. Just as the plant grew from a seedling, being single can be a time to grow as an adult and learn how to do life’s basic skills before starting to date or getting married.

Shine as a Single

 The single life is often thought of as being lesser than the married life. It is not. The single time of your life is the time to shine as an individual and to enjoy all that the single life offers. It is also a time to think for yourself before a significant other enters the picture. Learn to view yourself positively and from this point forward reinforce that concept each day by telling yourself positive self-talk, a positive phrase that resonates with you. A plant needs sun to grow and the single life has its challenges so people need affirmative thoughts to live a better daily life.


Take some time off from your job and travel to a new destination this Spring. Can’t travel? Take time out of your day to do your favorite activity, take a nap at the park, or read a book by the lake. Make it a point to spend some much needed alone time to just relax to escape the business of life and any current problems that you may be experiencing in your life. Relax. Breathe. De-stress.

Grow as a Person

Life is meant to be enjoyed and the best way to enjoy life is to grow as a person. As a single, you have time to develop as a person that would be given to another person if you were in a relationship. Use your time as a single to grow intellectually, physically, and  get to know yourself better as a person. The best way to grow is to challenge yourself by doing what is uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone and go to places alone as a single and do not worry about what others may think of you going out by yourself. Take risks in life instead of playing it safe.


Spring is temperate season that follows the cold and harsh season of Winter. This season is characterized by mild temperatures. Similarly, as the season becomes more moderate, singles can work on self-control and discipline in different areas of life. Want to lose some weight to look great in a bikini this summer? Stick to a diet and exercise plan. Have problems connecting with people and making friends? Learn how to read body language and ask people questions when you talk to them and best sure to listen to their answers. Been meaning to clean up your apartment or fix that maintenance issue? Stop procrastinating and prepare a time during the week where you will do what you have been putting off. Take the time to control yourself and to monitor your time better as a single this Spring.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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