Forget Having A Lover Or A Date This Valentine's Day

Singles everywhere are ditching the nationally recognized holiday in February known as Valentine's Day to relieve themselves of the pressure to find a date. It’s true that advertisements make it look like everybody and their mother has special plans for Valentine's day. You don’t have to feel alone, and you can be single while surviving this terrible lover-centric month. Who needs all that gushy stuff, anyway? Love is complicated, and being single is just less painless and even more liberating. Here are five things you need to know about Valentine's Day.

The Majority of Singles Aren’t Rushing To Get A Date, And Neither Should You

To keep your cool, remind yourself that you don’t have to have a date for Valentine’s Day. Know that not everyone celebrates romance this month, even if subliminal marketing tells us so. Remember that singles outnumber married couples. Following the crowd and folding your values is not cool. Keep it real by finding something else to do, like playing basketball or hiking a 14’er.  

Being In A Relationship And Having A Date Isn’t Everything

Relationships and dating are a mess. You can fulfill your life with friends and family, and forgo having a significant other. There is truly more to life than loving another person who might end up leaving you, or worse, you leave them. Breakups are messy too. Just avoid it all together, and you will save yourself a lot of time and useless heartache. Relationships and dating aren’t everything. There is more in life to enjoy.  

Flowers Die And Candies Makes You Pudgy

Iconically, flowers and chocolate are common gifts during this dreaded holiday. Not that flowers aren’t pretty, and candy isn’t tasty, it's just that you can get by without them. If you need alternatives, go to an Anti-Valentines Day party and bring a living house plant and some gluten-free sides. Try getting a spider plant from a gardening store, then head to Whole Foods for some paleo muffins. No date needed. 

Valentine's Day Isn’t Supposed To Be About Lovers, Anyways

This is a pretty dark holiday if you look at where it came from. NPR found that there is no exact pinpoint in time that marks 2/14 as ‘Valentine’s Day’. Between 2/13 - 2/15 the feast of Lupercalia is said to be a long-standing tradition that was celebrated by possibly the pre-Roman civilization as an annual pastoral festival, which was later adapted and observed in the city of Rome. The purpose of the celebration was to avert evil spirits, purify the city, and release health and fertility.

During this celebration, animals were sacrificed and the skins of the animals were used to hit women with in order to improve their fertility, hence getting hit on. Then later, names were drawn from a jar for matching purposes, where people would pair up for the duration of the festival, or longer. A historian from CU Boulder, Noel Lenski, says that the Roman romantics were drunk and naked, and you can see proof of this from many of their art.

No Reservations

Just like Anthony Bourdain, go out and make your own adventure. Forget booking a nice dinner with someone, just go out and find a way to enjoy yourself. Save the money you would have spent on a travel savings account. Seeing more of the world will probably broaden your mind, a lot more than one night’s holiday dinner.


This February, let go of any pressures that would make you feel like you’ve got to get a date. Turn off your Tinder app, and respect your body. Make this Valentine’s Day a day to celebrate your freedom as a single. Stay secure in who you are and enjoy your life this Valentine's Day. You can make it happen, so stay positive, and good luck out there this Valentine's Day. 

Happy Upcoming Valentine's Singles Day,


Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice.


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