How Mindset Affects Success

How does mindset affect success? More than you may think. What you think about directly connects to how you view the world and whether you can achieve success. Three main minds affect whether or not you succeed. Two are harmful and affect you psychologically, holding you back from success; the third can help lead you to success. This is how mindset affects success.

Victim Mindset

[bctt tweet="There are three common mindsets: victim mindset, fixed mindset, and growth mindset. " username="@secure_single"]

First is the victim mindset. The person who has a victim mindset believes that they are a victim. Someone may claim to be a victim for real, imaginary, or made up to push an agenda. No matter which of the three reasons it may be, the person ultimately chooses to be a victim.

They consider themselves to be the victims of actions by others. The actions may or may not directly affect them, but they claim victimhood.

Some common signs of the victim mindset include:

  • You always claim victimhood and claim to be a victim of something.

    • Real

    • Imagined

    • Made up to push an agenda.

  • You blame others for your problems.

  • You enjoy sharing your tragic stories with others to get a reaction from them.

  • You refuse to improve your life because you believe you are a victim.

Those who have a victim mindset then want the wrong to be corrected, most often through coercion through an institution, particularly government laws, and regulations. Rather than finding a way to deal with the problem themselves, they often want to use force on another person or organization that disagrees with them.

The victim mindset has become popular today because if you claim victimhood for something, you can gain the acceptance of popular culture and a segment of the population. This can then be used as social currency within those circles.

An example of the victim mindset may be if you are poor, you blame income inequality or things that may contribute to income inequality. You continue to blame external things (wealthy people, central banks, cost of living) to claim victimhood status instead of finding ways to stop being poor. Deep inside, you may secretly enjoy the attention that being a victim gets you from others.

The victim mindset is different from the fixed mindset in that the person always thinks they are a victim, while someone with a fixed mindset believes they cannot do something.

Fixed Mindset

The second is the fixed mindset. Someone who has a fixed mindset thinks they can’t do something. They either continue to make excuses or believe they can’t learn a new skill. They suffer from can’t syndrome. Rather than thinking that they can learn a new skill or improve themselves, people with a fixed mindset remain stuck where they are.

The fixed mindset is the one that is most often taught in the education system. Students are taught that there is only one way to solve a problem. They can either pass or fail a test. They want to get good grades to please their professor and get recommendations for when they apply for jobs after college.

Some signs that you have a fixed mindset include:

  • You give up easily.

  • You expect rewards without effort.

  • They want to be rewarded without putting in the hard work.

  • You allow setbacks to get in your way of finishing something.

  • You believe that you have failed, so you stop.

An example of a fixed mindset is someone who says they can’t make more money. They make up excuses for not finding ways to increase their income. A person with a fixed mindset continues complaining rather than actively finding ways to make extra money or new income streams. They get in their own way.

A critical difference between the fixed and growth mindsets is that someone with the fixed mindset believes they cannot better themselves. They repeatedly say that they can’t do something.

Growth Mindset

Third is the growth mindset. People with a growth mindset challenge themselves to learn new things and skills, and they focus on self-improvement.

Some signs of the growth mindset are:

  • You embrace challenges.

  • You accept constructive criticism and negative feedback.

  • You equate rewards with the effort you put into a project.

  • You learn from your failures.

  • You never give up.

An example is someone who is poor. Instead of blaming something external or thinking they can’t do something, they will find a way to make more money and increase their income. They could start a side hustle, get a second or third job, or learn to make passive income. They will put in the time and work to achieve their goal of wanting to make more money.

[bctt tweet="A growth mindset can help you solve problems, achieve goals, and get where you want to be. It would help if you took action, did not give up, and did not expect to be rewarded unless you did the work. " username="@secure_single"]


There are three common mindsets: victim mindset, fixed mindset, and growth mindset. It is up to you to decide which one you want to affect your psychology and life. You can change your mindset, but it will take time.


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