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30 Ways How Not Dating Saves You Money

Are you surprised by the extra costs that come with dating? Have you thought about breaking up to save money? Dating can quickly add up and make your life more expensive. You have the extra costs from dining out, dressing up to look your best, to even planning a couple's vacation together. You then have to prepare for the costs of everything to double as a couple. Here are thirty ways how not dating saves you money.

Save on Dining Out

One of the biggest costs associated with dating is dining out. A date may be going out for a nice dinner at a restaurant or grabbing coffee. Dining out adds up quickly. One date can cost $100 or more. According to Money Geek, the average date in 2024 now costs $123.

Over a month, that's money you could put toward paying your rent or achieving your financial goals.

Avoid Spending on Gifts

Special occasions come with the expectation of giving gifts. While giving gifts can be a meaningful gesture, it can strain your budget. Giving gifts can damage your ability to invest.

Gifts can become especially expensive if the person you are dating enjoys extravagant jewelry and vacations. If you cannot afford the person you are dating, it is likely a flag to break up with them.

Being single allows you to live a frugal and minimalist lifestyle without someone else. You can start to save money to build an emergency fund.

No Need for Expensive Outfits

Dating often comes with the pressure to look your best. You want to smell your best, too.

You buy new clothes, accessories, perfume, or even cosmetics to make a good impression on a date. However, these costs quickly add up. This is especially true if you regularly go on dates.

By not dating, you're free from the social pressure to constantly update your wardrobe or splurge on high-end beauty products. You have no expectations to please another person or to keep up with the Joneses. You can wear what is most comfortable.

Spend Less Money on Transportation

You may take the Uber or drive to meet a date across town. You then have to take transportation to where you plan the date. Transportation costs for gas, car maintenance, and Uber driver tipping quickly increase.

By remaining relationship-free, you'll have more control over how, when, and where you travel. You will save money by reducing unnecessary trips and staying local. Plus, you can explore more budget-friendly options like biking or walking, which are great for your health and the environment.

No Expensive Weekend Getaways

Couples often plan spontaneous weekend trips or vacations together. A weekend or vacation together can become expensive. You must prepare for travel expenses, dining out, entertainment, and hotel stays.

By remaining single, you don't have to worry about a weekend getaway's financial costs. You can save and direct that money toward building up your retirement account. You can invest money in a Roth IRA, a Health Savings Account, and an employer-matching 401(k). These are common retirement accounts.

Invest in Your Hobbies

Couples may attend wine and art classes, pottery making, or walking museums on related dates. These activities can quickly add up.

Being single gives you the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into your hobbies. You can improve your writing, photography, or videography. You could even turn a hobby into a side hustle.

Turn Your Hobby into a Side Hustle

A significant other takes away the time you could use to start a side hustle. Dating requires time from staying in contact to planning activities together.

Trade your side piece for a side hustle. Rather than wasting time on dates, you could work to turn a hobby or an interest into a side hustle. If you enjoy painting, making art, or writing, you can find ways to monetize your interests and skills.

Focus on Building an Emergency Fund

By constantly spending money on dating, you are spending money that you could use to build your emergency fund. It can be challenging to build one if you're spending money on dates, entertainment, and other relationship-related costs.

By not dating, you can direct that extra cash toward your emergency fund, giving you peace of mind knowing that you're prepared for life's financial surprises. An emergency fund helps cover unexpected expenses, from car issues to medical emergencies.

Start an Investment Portfolio

Dating expenses drain your monthly budget, leaving you with little room to invest. But when you're single, you can put that money into an investment portfolio that builds wealth over time.

Instead of spending $100 on a date, you could invest that amount in stocks, ETFs, or index funds. Over time, these investments will grow, helping you build a nest egg for your future. Investing early and consistently can majorly impact your long-term financial health.

Pay Off Debt Faster

Going into debt because of a romantic relationship is a poor decision. There is no guarantee that the relationship will work out. If you marry someone, your spouse's debt becomes your problem.

Debt is a heavy financial burden. The types of debt that Americans have are:

  • Student loans

  • Credit card debt

  • Medical

  • Mortgage

  • Car loans

You can redirect that money toward paying off your debt faster by cutting out dating-related expenses. This helps you save on interest and gives you more financial freedom in the long run.

Self-Care Products

Self-care products quickly add up when you are dating. You may spend money on a couple's day at the spa or a couple's massage. Instead of spending money on dating, you could focus on personal self-care.

Self-care helps improve your mental and physical well-being. Self-care can be cheap. You can invest in products that help you relax and unwind at home. This could be anything from skincare items to aromatherapy or at-home spa treatments.

Self-care isn't just about luxury—it's about taking time for yourself and recharging. You can find affordable self-care products on websites like Amazon and Sephora to treat yourself without breaking the bank.

Upgrade Your Home Environment

You may upgrade your home or apartment when you are dating. You want to look nice. You want your significant other to know you care about your home's appearance. Upgrading your house for external validation from your significant other or for your neighbors means you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

Your home is your sanctuary. By not spending on dating, you can invest in making your living space more comfortable and enjoyable. You can make it a place where you want to live.

You can update your furniture. You can buy a new mattress to help you sleep better at night. You can decorate your space with plants and artwork. You can buy an external monitor to increase productivity in your home office. These subtle changes can improve your quality of life.

A comfortable and well-organized home can make you feel happier and more productive. Consider starting with minor upgrades and gradually improving your space over time.

Invest in Experiences that Help You Grow

You can get experiences when you date. The problem is if you break up with the person. You still have the memories, but you no longer have the person you were interested in your life.

Rather than spending on dinner dates or movies or making memories with another person, invest in experiences that enrich your life. Having experiences and stories helps you connect with other people. New experiences help you grow.

Attend workshops, take up a new hobby, network, or explore cultural events in your area. Eventbrite can help you find classes, events, and workshops that suit your interests where you live.

Spend Money on Fitness Goals

When dating, you may spend more money on high-calorie meals at restaurants. Staying active benefits your overall health and well-being. It can be challenging to prioritize exercise when you're dating.

By cutting out dating, you'll have more money and time to invest in your health. You could purchase a gym membership. You can attend fitness classes. You can buy home workout equipment. Rather than spending money on dating, that extra cash can help you stay in shape.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Dating the wrong person can negatively affect your mental health. You can read dating horror stories online.

Your mental health is as critical to pay attention to as your physical health. Your emotional well-being is an aspect of living a balanced lifestyle. Instead of spending money dating, you could go to therapy or counseling.

Prioritize your mental health. Your mental health directly impacts your happiness and well-being. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or stress, therapy can be a worthwhile investment in your mental health.

Save on Entertainment

Dating often involves going to movies, concerts, or other forms of entertainment that come with ticket costs. Entertainment expenses can pile up quickly.

By staying single, you can enjoy more affordable or free entertainment, such as attending community events, streaming movies at home, or exploring nature.

Join local Meetup groups or clubs that align with your interests. These activities often cost less than traditional date nights and allow you to meet new people who share your passions.

Reduce Utility Costs at Home

When you're dating, they visit where you live. The more people in an apartment or home, the higher the utility bills. You will likely use more electricity, water, or heating. You may cook more frequently, take longer showers, or watch TV together. These little habits add up over time and hurt your bank statement.

Be aware of your energy consumption. Being single can help keep your utility bills low. Practice energy-saving habits:

  • Turn off the lights when they are not in use

  • Lowering the thermostat temperature

  • Using energy-efficient appliances

  • Take cold showers

  • Wear an extra layer of clothes

Small changes can help you save more money over the long term.

Impulse Spending

Relationships often come with misunderstandings, disagreements, and emotional stress, leading to impulsive spending. You may buy an apology gift. You may pay for a quick date to make up for a fight. You may spend on activities to reconcile a disagreement. These impulse spending costs drain your finances.

When you're single, you eliminate the need for impulse expenses. You will still have to avoid making impulse purchases, but you will have less to worry about since it's just you.

Before making a major purchase, wait one week to decide if you need it. This waiting period helps determine whether it is a want or a need. You are setting financial boundaries to help you save money.

Plan for Retirement

Dating can be expensive. Many people neglect long-term financial planning when they're constantly spending on relationships. Rather than throw money away on dating, you can start to plan for your retirement.

Remaining single allows you to contribute more to your retirement savings. You can plan for your retirement using financial platforms like Fidelity and Vanguard.

Small contributions compound over time. By planning for your retirement, you can secure a more comfortable and financially stable retirement. The earlier you start saving, the better, and staying single allows you to prioritize your financial future.

Increase Your Income

Dating can prevent you from finding ways to increase your income. You may spend more time with your significant other than increasing your skillset.

By staying single, you can direct more of your time and energy toward finding ways to build your income. You can start a side hustle. You could freelance on Upwork or Fiverr. You ask for a promotion at work. You could start your own business.

Start Your Own Business

Instead of spending money on dates, why not invest in starting your own business? By redirecting the money you'd spend on dating toward building your business, you'll have the chance to create something lasting that can generate income for years. Starting a business can have upfront costs, but the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment.

Online businesses have low startup costs. You only need to buy a domain name and set up a website. You can start to freelance or consult until you are ready to sell a product or a service to customers.

There are then many ways that you can monetize a website. Squarespace and Shopify make it easier for online business owners to monetize their websites. Ultimately, it depends on your vision and your business goals.

Save on Alcohol and Drinks

Alcohol and drinking can be what you gather around when you date. Drinking may especially play a central role at the start of a relationship. You may meet someone at a bar. Or you may share a bottle of wine when going out to eat.

Alcohol can be expensive. It can quickly add up. Especially if you regularly go out to bars or restaurants. You pay for drinks, then tip the bartender or waiter.

You can avoid the recurring cost by staying single. You can make more affordable and healthier drink options at home by making mocktails. You could consider to stop drinking. By decreasing the amount you drink or drinking non-alcoholic options, you are improving your health and your budget.

No Need for Dating Apps

Dating apps draw you in with the free version. The app will encourage you to upgrade to the premium version to increase your probability of meeting someone. Dating apps can be expensive with a low rate of return. All of your monthly subscriptions quickly add up.

You can save money by not using dating apps. Review your monthly subscriptions at the end of the month. You can save more money by canceling any subscriptions you do not need or use.

Invest in Your Education

With the extra money saved from not dating, focus on advancing your education and career. You can take personal and professional development courses. You can earn a certificate or a certification. You could pursue an advanced degree,

Create a Budget That Works for You

When you're not dating, it's simpler to create and stick to a personal budget. You don't have to account for the variable costs of going on dates.

You have more control over your finances as a single person. You have a clearer picture of your income and expenses.

You can use budgeting tools such as Mint and You Need a Budget (YNAB). These apps make it easier for you to effectively track your spending. A budget helps you direct more money toward your long-term goals and to have money every month.

Save on Beauty Treatments

Dating comes with the pressure to look your best. Beauty care and products are expensive. When you date, you may spend lots of money on haircuts, manicures, skincare treatments, makeup, and other beauty expenses. All these beauty costs are substantial, especially if you need to maintain a certain appearance for your partner.

When you're single, you can save money by adopting a more natural or minimal beauty routine. Focus on maintaining your health and appearance in affordable and sustainable ways.

Save on Travel

Couples may plan on vacationing together to see if they are compatible. You may plan to travel to resorts or use a service that focuses on vacations for couples. These expenses can quickly add up since you must pay for everything from tickets to meals.

One of the best ways to use the money saved from not dating is to plan a solo trip or vacation. Travel offers enriching experiences, new perspectives, and opportunities to unwind and recharge. Instead of spending money on multiple dates, you could save for a larger, more meaningful trip.

You can use websites like Scott's Cheap Flights to find affordable travel flights. You can follow travel blogs on vlogs that offer tips on how to travel. You can find online content to learn about the specifics of the country you plan to visit. You can then plan a solo vacation around your budget.

More Time to Focus on Personal Development

Being single allows you to spend more time on personal growth and development. You are free from the external distractions and financial burdens of romantic relationships.

You can dedicate time to reading, journaling, meditating, or learning new skills, which can improve your mental well-being and long-term success.

You can learn about self-development by reading content from websites and watching videos online. You can purchase digital courses from UdemySkillshare, or someone you follow.

Focusing on your self-growth and well-being is a far more valuable investment than the fleeting expenses of dating. The best investment in yourself.

No Financial Arguments

Money is a common cause of financial arguments. Money is a common cause that leads to divorce. There are disagreements about spending habits, debt, and financial goals. These arguments can cause stress and tension.

By staying single, you avoid these financial disputes. You have control over how you manage your money. You can achieve your financial goals without compromise.

Live Below Your Means

Dating often comes with the expectation to impress your significant other. You will spend more money. You may find yourself living beyond your means. When you live below your means, you may be dipping into your emergency fund or debt. None of those options are good for your financial health.

When you're single, it's easier to live below your means. You don't have the added expenses of a relationship. You are intentionally living a frugal life to save for things that matter to you.

Living below your means allows you to grow your wealth. You can direct the money you save at the end of each month toward investments. You could save money in a high-yield savings account, in the stock market, in precious metals, or starting your own business.


No matter why you may be single, you can save money by not dating. Personal finance is a critical life skill. The more money you save, the more freedom you have to achieve your goals.

Order my copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional.