How To Become A Confident Single Mother

Single motherhood can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences ever! You are balancing work, parenting, and all of life complications by yourself. You can easily feel overwhelmed, uncertain, and all alone. You may struggle with self-assurance by dealing with everything in your personal and family life. Here are twelve ways how to become a confident single mother!

Recognize Your Strengths and Skills

Celebrate your strengths and skills! It is a choice to acknowledge the things you're good at. Many people never learn what their skills are until it is too late. The sooner you discover your strengths, the more you can focus on ways to use them daily.

You can whet your strengths and skills to unlock new career possibilities. You can find a way to use your skills to do what you love. In the Internet Age, you have plenty of options. 

Create a Support Network

You can't do it all by yourself. You don't have to do it alone. Having a support network can help you when life gets tough.

Find people who you can lean on when there are roadblocks. Your support network includes family, friends, or even other single mothers. Never be afraid to ask anybody for help. Asking for help does not mean that one is incapable of doing something.

There is nothing wrong with asking another person for help. Sometimes, you just need a venting buddy or someone to laugh with. 

Be bold and call, text, or message someone in your support network.

Set Boundaries

You might never have an end to your to-do list as a single mom. Setting boundaries will enable you to set limits with yourself and your children. 

Boundaries will help in bringing about the limit. The boundaries could concern the people you allow in your and your children's lives, limits on social media, limits on television, and the type of things you allow your children to do.

Say 'No' More

'No' is the most powerful word in the human language. Saying 'no' gives back your time. Telling people 'no" empowers you. It tells people that you are confident.

By constantly telling people 'yes,' you give away your valuable time, energy, and attention. Saying 'yes' all the time is a sign you are a people pleaser. Rather than focusing on your and your family's needs, you may place other people's needs first.

As a parent, your children and family come first.

Prioritize Self-Care

Make a point to practice self-care. Self-care isn't selfish. Self-care is necessary for life.

Self-care involves taking your time out to relax. It helps you better deal with all the crazy things in life. 

You can practice self-care by reading for fifteen minutes daily, walking, or exercising at the gym. Make time to exercise, even if you work long hours

It is about setting boundaries and making time for yourself; that is important to your well-being and, ultimately, your children's happiness. 

Reframe Your Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts and self-talk keep you stuck where you are. Negative thinking can lead to depression. You may be overly pessimistic about yourself and your ability to raise your children.

You might say to yourself, "I'm not doing enough. Or you may say, "I'm a failure as a parent." When you allow negative thoughts to creep in, question them. 

Ask yourself if they're really true. They more than likely are false.

Reframe the thoughts into affirmations, such as, "I'm doing my best, and that is enough." Or remind yourself, "I am a strong, capable parent."

You can be a great single parent!

Set Personal Goals

Being a single mom doesn't mean stopping to pursue goals. As a matter of fact, attaining goals boosts your confidence. Once you have achieved a goal, you set examples for your children to learn how to have goals.

You may want to advance in your career. You may choose to study for a certification. You may have a side hustle. You can work to turn it into a full-fledged business! You can take baby steps each day toward your goals.

You'll realize you have more joy and self-esteem as you work toward meeting your goals. Goals build confidence. Both are ways to achieve success. You can set a good example for your children by reaching your goals.

Spend Quality Time with Your Kids

Spend quality time with your children. You can spend time with your children. Your children get to know their mom. 

Do things with the kids. Your children may like to have movie nights, play board games, or watch sports. If you have more than one child, they will have different interests. Make a point to sit down and listen to them talk about their day at school during dinner.

Find Financial Stability

Work toward achieving financial stability. Having financial security will help to lower your daily stress. It will also help to build your self-confidence. You can really set a good example for your children when it comes to personal finance.

Some basic ways to become more financially stable include creating and following a budget, saving money, seeking financial counseling or government assistance, living below your means, and increasing your income. 

Financial independence can bring you peace of mind. Financial freedom can allow you to make the best choices for you and your family. Work toward financial security one day at a time.

Be Open to New Relationships

You can decide when is the right time to start to date again. When you do decide to date, be selective. You may choose to never date again. Just know there is no wrong answer. You are the one who is in charge of your life.

Don't feel like your friends or family are pressuring you to date. You are in no competition, so there is just no reason to hurry up and get out there. You literally may have absolutely no desire to date.

You might just be perfectly content being a single woman and mom. Let me reassure you there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your spouse will not make you happy. You can find happiness in your life as a single mother.

Take your time to know yourself and your needs first. The more you understand yourself, the more aware you are about your needs. It is totally okay if you do not want to date again.

Find Professional Help When Needed

You should not be ashamed of finding help from some professional, be it a therapist, a life coach, or a counselor. Sometimes, talking to someone who isn't directly involved in your life can provide a new perspective and help you work through any issues holding you back. Being willing to seek support is a sign of your strength, not weakness.

Celebrate Your Wins

You do amazing things every day, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Did you get the kids to school on time? Win. Managed to cook dinner and finish a work project? Win. Get the kids to bed and still have the energy to watch a show? Major win.

Celebrate your small wins. These small wins create a snowball effect. This snowball effect helps you build confidence over time.


You can be a confident single mother. Building self-confidence doesn't happen in one day. Your confidence journey is going to have ups and downs. You can become a confident single mom by focusing on these twelve strategies.

Order my copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional.


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