How You Can Feel Empowered By Not Having A Valentine's Day Date

You may feel that society deems single women as less than or incomplete for some reason. But being single is the opposite of weakness. Being single and not having a Valentine's Day date this year can empower you immensely. After you read this article, you’ll be one of the select few who will know how to have the right mindset to be single and feel good about it.

Not settling for any old Valentine’s Day date means you have exceptional standards

 You know you deserve the best life has to offer. There’s no reason to go out with just any old guy just to have a date on a specific day of the year. When you choose to be with someone, he’ll be the man that wants to be with you as much as you want to be with him. You won’t complete each other, you’ll complement one another 

You don’t need to have a Valentine’s Day date with a man to be happy

 Because you know having a relationship won’t make you happy. Especially if you rush into exclusivity with the wrong guy. You don’t need anyone to put a ring on it to smile every day. You can do this by your bad self. Valentine’s Day is the day to be elated that you’re not in a subpar relationship.

Independence is a good thing (you know this from your previous bad relationships)

 Basing your life on depending on someone else isn’t what a strong woman like you needs. You’ve got this. You can pay your own bills, make your own dinner, and do whatever you want whenever you want it.  

You get to make your own decisions

 Any changes you want don’t need to be voted on by anyone else. If you're going to buy a $300 la cruset pot, more power to you. You don’t need to ask permission to spend your own money. Life is in your hands. This freedom is something many women crave and don’t have.  

Having a Valentine’s Day week doing what you want is a dream come true

Instead of having to get a rose that smells like every other flower in the shop (they spray them to feel like that you know!), you can get yourself a flower that smells like it’s supposed to. You can hug your friends and family and not feel obligated to have sex just because it’s one of the things you’re supposed to do for the Valentine's Day romance department. When you’re in a relationship there are days you just don’t want to do it, and he wants to (all night long). Enjoy the sleep you’ll get! 

The fact that you’re single means you are brave enough to be alone

 There are people out there who don’t know what to do if they’re single. You’re not one of those folks. Not having a Valentine’s Day Date this year isn’t a big deal. It’s really just another day (that has some disturbing historical facts by the way). Enjoy your Valentine's Day date this year— you. Because you’re worth it.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


Valentine's Day For One


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