5 Ways To Navigate Engagement Season This Christmas

Tis the season this Christmas to get engaged! Just kidding, but for real, everyone is getting engaged during the holidays, so it seems. What do you do when everyone around you is getting paired up? Here are the top five ways you can feel amazing about your singlehood when everyone else has an engagement and are getting ready to get married.

Singles Have More Time To Do What They Want

A time study conducted found that singles have more time to take care of their health and workout, advance in their career and invest in educational activities, and stay in touch with friends. When you are single, you have just one person to manage. If you are a single parent, then it’s you and your kids. Nonetheless, not having a romantic partner will definitely free up a lot of your time.

Singles Have More Leisure Time

You don’t have to worry about pleasing another person, you just have to please yourself. Relationships can be sticky and messy when you have the responsibility of taking care of another person's needs. When you are single you have the liberty to be leisurely when you want to without your other half persuading you to do something else or to take care of a shared obligation. Now that your friend has an engagement, they will have less leisure time compared to you as a single person.

Singles Have More Time To Themselves

The meaning of life is one of the most mysterious questions throughout history. As a single person, having more time to yourself can allow you time to ponder what life has in store for you and how you can become the greatest version of yourself. Taking time to yourself allows you to take care of yourself, to reassess your values, life projection, and so on. Get lost in thought and have fun with it.

Singles Have A More Fulfilling Social Live

Singles have more of a fulfilling social life than their coupled counterparts. If you have ever been in a relationship, you tend to fall into a routine. Singles tend to have more of a social life and go out more, hence the term, “Single and Ready To Mingle!”

Singles Have More Opportunities For Success

Too often, women face the marriage or career orientation trade-off. Women who choose the career path over family are more ambitious to make their own money and living. Single women are on the rise and many of the notable women in history chose their careers over marriage, and the majority of them were single.  

This Christmas, remind yourself that you are perfect just the way you are. You can thrive as a single person knowing that you have more freedom to change your life, do amazing bucket list items, and thrive as a single. Enjoy your life to the fullest, because you are worth it to make it an amazing journey! Take inventory and make your life fun, loving, exciting, and wonderful as a single person. Be happy in our singlehood and enjoy your life! Navigate the engagement waters of your friends by being supportive while feeling confident in yourself that you're an amazing person. Have fun this Christmas, and remember to enjoy and love your journey instead of worrying about your friends' engagements! 



Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice


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