The #1 Secret Of Success: Never Give Up!

Would you like to know what the number one secret to success is? Never give up. This may seem evident on the surface, but too many people give up too soon or stop because they complain that it is too difficult.

Stop Making Excuses

 People like to make up excuses for why they are not able to achieve a goal. 

  • “I can’t lose twenty pounds because I don’t have time to go to the gym.”

  • “I can’t write a book because I don’t have time.”

  • “I can’t even afford to buy my own place.”

  • “I can’t ever pay off all of my debt.”

  • “I can’t ever make a six or seven-figure income.”

Words Matter

 Your words matter. The words you tell yourself every day matter. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do something. You are teaching yourself negative thinking and a fixed mindset. Change can’t to can. 

  • “I can lose twenty pounds by going to the gym each week.”

  • “I can make time to write a book.”

  • “I can find ways to afford to buy my own place.”

  • “I can pay off all my debt.”

  • “I can find a way to make a six or seven-figure income.”


Stop Negative Self-Talk

 Stop telling yourself that you are worthless, unlovable, poor, unsuccessful, or whatever else you may say to yourself. You are making your words a reality by calling yourself those words daily. 

Positive Self-Talk

 Tell yourself that you live a life worth living. You are lovable. You are capable of living. You can find a way to make enough money to get by. You can find a way to achieve financial independence. You can be successful. You can self-actualize your life goals. 

Try Again. Try Again. Try Again.

 You keep trying until you discover what works for you. The person you are following and who you may look up to found what worked for them. You can learn from them, but you may need a different skill set. You continue to try new things, overcome challenges, and try again when it does not work out for you. You may have tried ninety-nine things that didn’t work. The one-hundredth time may finally be the one that works for you. 

Learn From Your Mistakes

 Success takes work. If you wanted to be like everyone else, you would not be working to do your own thing. You would be happy doing the safe thing just like everyone else who works a 9-5 and is stuck in the rat race. Mistakes are how you learn. Failure is the best teacher. Your mistakes and failures will better guide you on what not to do as you mature, become more knowledgeable, and eventually achieve success. 

Encourage Yourself

 Start every day with the right mindset. Be positive. Practice a growth mindset. Learn from your mistakes. Encourage yourself the same way you would cheer on a friend competing in a tournament to succeed. 

Never Give Up

 Once you give up. You have closed the door on what could have been. When you give up, you shut the door on your vision. Once that door is closed, you have allowed yourself to give up your full potential to be like everyone else. Never give up on working to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Society and people will tell you are crazy to continue ongoing. People will ask you to stop. Never give up. Never.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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