Single In Your 30s But Want To Date

There is nothing wrong with being single in your 30s.People are staying single longer, which is a good thing. The average age for women getting married is 27 while for men it is 30 in the United States. Being single is a time for you you discover who you are, your values, and if you want to even settle down and marry someone. There are many reasons why people are 30 and single, but regardless of why people are single they should enjoy life.  If you are single in your 30s, enjoy your time being single and be patient if you want to date someone.

Single In Your 30s Is Prep Time

It is no secret that people are remaining single longer and delaying marriage. It can be a good decision to temporarily be single in your 30s, even if you ultimately want to date. It is a wise choice to stay single to discover your core values as an individual. These values include your moral and ethical framework, political views, religious and spiritual views, and to determine what you want to establish before you date someone. It may be important for you to be established in your career, to own a house or condo, or to have your own business be successful before you choose to date someone. While you are figuring out your worldview, values, and establishing yourself in your field, choose to thrive as a single person instead of being sad that you are not in a relationship.While you're single in your 30s, be positive about your single status. Being positive will help your health and let you lead a better social life. You can focus on your health by working out and eating better. You can be social with different groups of people to improve your social and communication skills. You can also volunteer your time with organizations and groups that share your values. By being happy with being single it will make your life better and may help you to attract someone who you want to date. Stay positive and choose to enjoy the single life.Being positive and happy will work to attract someone, if that’s what you want rather than being negative about being single all the time. You will send positive energy at events and learn how to live alone as a single person rather than being needy and needing assistance. You will learn life skills from cooking, cleaning, and hosting that will make you more attractive to a potential partner. In your 30s, you will also be more stable in your career so you can treat someone to dates rather than worrying so much about paying for them like when you were in college and in your 20s. As you figure out your values and have become more financially stable, your time being single in your 30s will help you know when and who to ask out when the time comes for you to date again.


Learn to enjoy being single in your 30s rather than always trying to date. Your time as a single person lets you to focus on you and once you know yourself then you to better attract someone too. Choose to view being single in your 30s positively instead of thinking that the single life is sad. Be patient and choose to thrive as a single person in your 30s!

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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