Single Men Who Go Their Own Way During The Holidays

Choose to be part of the single men who go their own way during the holidays.The holiday season is a time with additional pressure date and to get engaged. Single men can make the most of the holiday season and New Year’s by choosing to go their own way rather than succumbing to a relationship. Single men who go their own way during the holidays are confident men who realize that a relationship does not give meaning or happiness to life.

You Can Choose to go Your Own Way this Holiday Season

A survey found men feel the most pressure during the holidays to find a partner. This is most likely because cuffing and engagement seasons take place during the holiday season. There is added pressure from friends, family, and society to date and to propose to someone during the holidays. Single men can free themselves from these societal pressures and choose to go their own way during the holidays. It is better for men to go their own way during the holidays instead of getting tied down each holiday season.Single men who go their own way during the holidays can travel, save money, volunteer, and fully enjoy the holiday season how and with who single men want. For single men who go their own way during the holidays, they can spend the holidays exactly how you want rather than having to go visit a significant other’s family during the holiday season. Single men can travel to see the world for the holidays to learn about how other cultures celebrate Christmas and New Year’s. Single men will save money when not being a relationship during the holiday because they don’t have to visit a significant other’s family, go out on holiday dates, and go to a New Year’s party to have a midnight kiss. Single men can volunteer during the holidays --and the rest of the year-- by volunteering their time, money, and resources to charities and nonprofits. Volunteering is a way for single men to give back to their community. Single men who go their own way during the holidays are able to choose exactly how they want to spend their time and who they want to invest their time in during the holidays. For some single men, this may mean helping their local church or bringing in the New Year by attending a New Year’s party exactly how you want to end the year. Single men can choose to spend the holidays alone, with friends, or make new friends at events they attend during the holiday season.


Single men who go their own way during the holidays should not be afraid to stand up to society’s norms of cuffing and engagement seasons during the holidays. Single men say “no” to dating and make the priority of the holiday season anything that they want that are not romantic relationships. This holiday season is the time for single men to go their own way during the holidays!

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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