Singleness: The Essence Of Being Single

There are various types of singlehood, but being single is the most profound state. Merriam-Webster defines singleness as the "quality or state of being single." Additionally, Merriam-Webster defines single as a "separate individual or thing" and "an unmarried person."Singleness is the status of an individual who decides to remain permanently single. This state entails that an individual is not interested in getting romantically involved with another person, having a partner, or getting married. Singleness goes beyond singlehood. Singlehood is the state of being single and unmarried. In contrast to singleness, singlehood allows room to become romantically involved with someone or get married, while singleness is a commitment to stay and remain single throughout life. As the essence of being single, singleness constitutes and affects the daily actions of a single person who identifies or decides to live out the condition of singleness.While upfront singleness could come across as selfish, the freedom an individual has in the state of singleness better allows them to serve their communities and society because of their lack of restraints. Singleness provides independence to individuals, allowing them to devote their time and skills fully to their community, hobbies, causes they genuinely care about, and society. Singles have the tools of freedom and mobility that couples lack.A single person could use the strengths that singles in the state of singleness provide—if he or she is a devout single—to give one’s life to an ideal, higher purpose or a cause that one truly believes in. That becomes the equivalent of a partner in coupled relationships to a single person.An organization, community, cause, or society can only exist with the individuals part of and make the social structure work. Singleness is an identity or a personal decision that an individual commits to as a way to live life; it is vital that society properly understands this state in contrast to singlehood. Individuals in the state of singleness should use their freedom, mobility, and autonomy to help their different communities better while continuing to improve their strengths.Ultimately, each person (single or not) can decide how to live their life and if they want to commit different things beyond the individual.

The views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not investment, financial, or legal advice. Consult with a financial or legal professional before making investment or legal decisions. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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