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Singles Do Not Need An Artificially Intelligent Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Relationships continue to get more complicated and weirder. Instead of dealing with someone ghosting you on Tinder or another dating app, you can have an artificial intelligence significant other. Here are five reasons singles do not need an artificially intelligent boyfriend or girlfriend.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

IBM summarizes that “At its simplest form, artificial intelligence [AI] is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning,” IBM then breaks artificial intelligence further down into three main categories:• Weak AI pr Artificial Narrow Intelligence (AGI)• Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)• Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Most of the talk around AI refers to the number two, general artificial intelligence. ChatGPT has grown this discussion. As AI evolves, the question is how it will influence human relationships.

What Types Of Artificial Intelligence Partners Are Available?

If you search online, you can find AI sex dolls, even AI boyfriends and girlfriends. This is the next step in moving away from human relationships. Social media has eroded and commoditized "friendships." Intimate relationships are moving from personal sexual experiences to buying an AI sex doll, interacting with cam models, or an artificially intelligent significant other on your computer or device.

How Could Sexbots Help Singles Realize Sexual Fantasies?

The Next Web summarizes that sexbots allow for the following:

  • First dates

  • Safe sex

  • Happy endings

The reason is that you can create your own experience with your sexbot. The Next Web breaks down Bloom further, which is an erotic audio platform. The erotic audio stories are designed to work with sex tech toys. You can create your sexual journey and story with your sexbot without worrying about sexual diseases that could come with an actual sexual partner. Instead, you could choose to opt for artificial intimacy.

It Is A Digital Relationship

You will likely be paying to enjoy the façade of a digital relationship compared to a real relationship. It is now different from “friends” on social media, but this AI says it is your boyfriend or girlfriend. Companies have created a set of 1s and 0s to make singles think they must date… even if it is with AI.

Spend More Time Online

Because of the significant other label, you may want to spend more time with your AI boyfriend or girlfriend. This is problematic. You are wasting valuable time that you could spend improving yourself on your computer, app, or other device to interact with artificial intelligence. You can likely cancel your subscription or account, i.e., AI relationship, anytime. Ending an actual relationship is more complicated.

Friends With Benefits

AI is digital. Unless you have dropped a few grand for an artificially intelligent sex doll, even then, it is still just a sophisticated doll and piece of technology. It may be able to warm up to make it “feel real.” But it will still feel very different from an actual sexual experience.

Waste Of Time

Rather than spending time with a natural person, as a friend, or sexually, you decide to spend it in a form of computer science (see AI definition above.). If you want sex, you could go to a bar to hook up, use a hookup app, or pay virtual satisfaction from an e-boy or e-girl on every growing range of camming sites.

Free And Premium Camming Sites

You could use free and premium camming sites rather than interacting with an AI boyfriend or girlfriend. You could interact with a cam mode for free on some camming sites. It ultimately depends on your budget, sexual desires, and how much you will spend for your moments of pleasure.

It Is Up To Each Single

It is ultimately up to everyone to decide how they want to utilize technology. That applies to camming technology to access e-boys and e-girls to design your AI boyfriend or girlfriend. People are single for a variety of reasons. Each person is on their journey and wants something else regarding a relationship, be it a temporary emotional connection to marriage.

Time And Money

It is ultimately up to you to determine whether an artificial boyfriend or girlfriend is worth your time and money. The same principles apply to spending valuable time and money on popular camming sites.

You could save and invest your money rather than spend it on a few minutes of pleasure tipping a cam model or getting to know your AI significant other. You could save money to grow your emergency fund, put it in a money market account, or invest it in the stock market. You could even decide to start your own online business.

By saving and investing your money, you could decide to think long-term rather than on a temporary pleasure. The ability to think long-term is vital to success.

It is ultimately up to you whether or not you want to surrender your short-term carnal desires to an artificial significant other or cam model or invest in your future. The best investment is in yourself.

Your time and money are vital assets. Learn to use them wisely to better yourself.


It is up to you whether or not you want to invest your time and money into an artificially intelligent partner. If you find some value in it, that is all right. The same applies to someone who views it as wasting time and money.

The best investment is in yourself, not following the latest technology trends. Focus on yourself, and you will discover that you can begin to reach your goals. Romantic and sexual relationships can distract you from achieving your full potential. You can say “no” to romantic and sexual relationships to better yourself.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon.