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5 Ways Singles Can Overcome The Loneliness Epidemic

A recent study by Cigna found that half of Americans are lonely. Cigna used the UCLA Loneliness Scale to measure loneliness of 20,000 people in its survey. The problem of loneliness rose with each younger generation with the Greatest Generation having the lowest number while Generation Z had the highest number from the study. Loneliness contributes to mental and health issues. The loneliness epidemic affects those who are single, unmarried, and married. Singles can combat the loneliness epidemic by finding a balance with sleep, work, socializing with friends and family, exercise, and personal time.

Loneliness is linked to causing health issues. Research on social isolation and loneliness affects health by increasing stress hormones and inflammation, which increases the risk of heart disease, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, dementia, and suicide.  It has also been found that people who are lonely drink to excess, smoke, overeat, speed, and engage in promiscuous sex. Loneliness has been connected to mental health issues such as depression, social anxiety, addiction, and hoarding. Loneliness is a health issue, but there are ways to beat loneliness. There are ways to combat loneliness and the five ways are below.

Be Social

Aristotle in the Politics said that “Man is by nature a social animal.” People need to be social to be healthy. One way singles can beat loneliness to hang out with friends and family. Singles can make a point to get together with friends or family members during the week for social interaction.

Stay Busy

Along with social interaction, singles should focus on work to stay busy. Work can take many different forms such as a job, a business, cleaning up the apartment or house, yard work, or working on a personal project.


Exercise is beneficial as well to combat loneliness and depression because it releases endorphins into the body. It is recommended to do thirty minutes or more of exercise three to five times a week by doctors. Depending on where you exercise, you may also get social interaction while you are at the gym or running in the park.


Quality sleep is useful to when it comes to loneliness because being able to regularly fall into a deep sleep is a sign of good health. Sleep will help you to have a better day by feeling revitalized and ready for the day. It is vital that singles have personal time because it lets you focus on what makes you happy and by spending time in solitude.

Personal Time

Personal time rests your brain, improves your concentration and creativity, encourages self-discovery, deep thinking, problem solving, and helps to improve your relationships with others. Singles can improve their mental and physical health by implementing these five steps into their daily routine to overcome loneliness.


These five practices can help singles to prevent loneliness that is now being called an epidemic. Singles can focus on improving their social lives with friends and family, sleep habits, exercise, work, and personal time to defeat loneliness. The loneliness epidemic affects all generations and all people, regardless of their relationship status. Loneliness is a health issue that does not get much attention and everyone should work to mitigate loneliness in life.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!