Surprising Reasons I Have Always Been Single And Never Dated

There is pressure for single people to date and marry. Despite that pressure, here are seven surprising reasons I have always been single and never dated.


Romantic relationships require time. I have never been into the pickup culture or one-night stands.You need to plan time for dates. You must make an effort to spend time with a significant other. You have to deal with a romantic relationship's emotional and other issues.I have always focused on things like growing this website and my career. Those are perfectly fine reasons to remain single in the modern age. It does not make sense to consider dating, let alone getting married, if you cannot support another person, let alone a family.EducationI made the mistake of believing the myth that college was required to have a career. College was all right. My undergraduate degree in Political Science did not help me at all jobwise. I had the same experience with graduate school.My biggest mistake was deciding to go to graduate school. I later discovered I had one class left to graduate with my Master’s in Information and Cybersecurity. But, after going through a few interviews, I later found out that no employers wanted to hire me because I did not come from the proper work background.That is just one example that attending college and getting a fancy degree in something will not help you to be successful career-wise. You must be able to pass interviews, have good social skills, and be able to bullshit employers. All of which I have never been good at.College and graduate school did not help me build a career. The best thing I ever did for my career was start this website and focus on self-education.Self-education is better than any overpriced fancy college degree.


I have always been ambitious and entrepreneurial. I initially believed I must attend college to get a good job. That is the old way of becoming successful. The new way to become successful is to create and sell content.I was unaware of this when I started this website in December 2015. I am now working to write a series of books and improve this website. All of which is backend work that no one sees.I would have never been a good fit for a regular job. I do not get along with most people. I do not like group settings. I am better off working with myself and managing freelancers when I need to delegate work.

Open To Opportunities

I have been open to new opportunities. An opportunity may have been learning a new skill, traveling, or trying something new. I have no problems with taking calculated risks. Opportunities and taking risks are two of the best ways to learn. You learn by taking action, not by reading from a college textbook.

Lack Of Social Skills

I have always been more introverted. I do not have great social skills. I would probably be in the bottom fifty percent when it comes to soft skills. This is one reason I have always had difficulty moving up in a traditional career. Employers place too much emphasis on social skills.Social skills often play a vital role when it comes to relationships. If you come across as socially awkward or uninterested, even if you are, it will be interpreted that way. For this reason, I have always tried to improve my skills, even though I know I will never be among the top percentile of verbal and non-verbal communicators. Those skills also play a vital role in business relationships.

Speech Issues

I have always had speech issues and a lack of social skills. I have had speech therapy since kindergarten. I have largely improved since then, but compared to the top ten to thirty percent of people, I am not very persuasive and cannot verbally get my point across to someone. This has primarily affected my role in the types of traditional jobs I have been able to get.I have mostly worked randon gig jobs, sales jobs, and other entry-level positions, despite my “higher level education.” Social skills and speech are critical in ascending in regular companies, which I have never had. Today, it is all about your connections, who you know, and being able to talk your way through an interview to get a good-paying job. Employers seem today to care more about how good of a bullshitter you are compared to if you are proficient.


This is not to say that I may never date or marry, but I have other priorities and things to work on first. The Internet has created ways to make money outside of the regular nine-to-five working for an employer. My website has allowed me to learn how to make money online. I would never have been a great fit for a medium to large business. It ended up working out for me.No matter your situation. Know that you have options. The riskier option is usually better, but society will discourage you from taking it. Society wants you to be mediocre. Choose to be exceptional.

James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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