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How To Make Anyone Like You In 7 Easy Steps
Do you want other people to enjoy hanging out with you? Here is how to make anyone like you in seven easy steps!
The Importance Of A Friend Group In The Social Lives Of Singles
There’s a unique phenomenon that single people experience in a friend group. Be it a night out at McGarry’s, night in watching a film in the apartment, or a mimosa-drenched Sunday brunch in Hell’s Kitchen, there is something sinister within the single person’s heart lying just underneath the fun and camaraderie on the surface.
5 Signs Of A True Friend And Of Friendship
Friends and friendship are undervalued in a society that is infatuated with romantic love, dating, and marriage. There are many qualities that singles should look for and value in a good friend. A true friend is hard to find, but here are five ways to spot a true friend in your life.
Why Singles Need To Focus On Phileo Love
In a world that emphasizes couples and marriage people have forgotten about the other types of love. The emphasis on romance and erotic love in search for The One has influenced people to focus on eros when it comes to relationships. The continual search for the mythical One comes at the expense of your friends.
5 Reasons Why Singles Are More Social Than Their Coupled Up And Married Friends
There is a myth believed by society and people that if you are single, you are isolated and alone. Nothing is further from the truth. Singles are more social and have a larger community than their married friends.
3 Responses When Asked Why You're Single This Holiday
Being single is a universal state that everyone can relate to, because at one point or another everyone has been single. During this holiday season, we all know that if you are in your 20’s and 30’s without a significant other, then people are going to be asking what’s up.
5 White Elephant Christmas Present Ideas For Singles
Got your gift, and ready to go? Well then, great work! The nice thing about white elephant parties are that they are great for single people because it is one gift to a group of friends, and when everyone participates it can be a lot of fun because everyone gets a gift.
5 Life Experiences Singles Should Have Before A Relationship
As an anecdote to cheating, risky behavior, or downright dangerous acts, relieving yourself of these five things may be just the key to save yourself from heartache should you enter a committed relationship.
3 Ways Singles Can Have Amazing Relationships With Their Friends
Good relationships bounce us backup after we have fallen. It is up to us to nurture and foster a loving environment for our relationships to become deep and meaningful. Here are three ways you can improve your relationships today!
7 Reasons Why Friends Can Meet After 7 PM And It's Not A Date
There is a common idea held by society that when two people get together after 7 pm that it is a date. This misconstrues relationships into being things that they are not and affects friendships.
Ultimate Guide To Friendsgiving: Singles Should Enjoy The Holiday With Friends
This year you can be a champ when you bring the goods this year to Friendsgiving. If you’ve never been to a Friendsgiving, there are guidelines on how it works and how to be a great attendee to your host's holiday event this year.
5 Ways Singles Can Survive Thanksgiving Dinner Family Interrogations
Headed home this Thanksgiving? Don’t fret if you’re single. We’ve got a survival guide on how to feel less pressured by your family interrogations. Remember that it is okay to be single.
How Emotionally Scarred People Can Build Healthy Friendships
Here’s how you can turn it around if you have suffered connecting with yourself and others. You can build and keep healthy relationships!
3 Ways to Assist Ageing Singles: It Starts with Community
Singles already are a major part of the population, but that is only discussing those who are 40 and under. Many of the ageing and elderly population are also single.
Single Men: Reasons To Start To Use Physical Touch
Men are not receiving enough physical touch in their lives. This has left men unsure of when physical touch is appropriate in a platonic friendship environment.
Three Ways To End A Friendship: Fade To Black Or Get Creative
Here are the three main ways to end a friendship when you are no longer getting along or the friendship has finally run its course.
Seven Signs Your Friendship Is Ending
Friendship is fluid and for this reason your social circles of friends will continue to change throughout your life, despite remaining “Friends” with old friends and acquaintances on social media. Given that friendship is always fluctuating, there will come a time where you may need to end some friendships.
5 Satisfying Situations When Being Single Is So Liberating
People often have the perception that the grass appears to be greener on the other side of the fence. The truth is all about how one views their current circumstances. Single people versus those in a relationship often desire to be in each others' place. Contrary to what society tells us to do, get married and buy a house on the hill, there are actually a lot of positive things about being single, including a lot of freedoms you might not otherwise have if you were to be in a serial relationship.
Five Ways To Be A Great Friend
Friendship is the state of forming a bond with another person to get to know them better and to enjoy spending time with them. The Greek word for the love between friends is philia. Friendship often neglected and placed behind sexual and romantic relationships. Despite the age of social media where people can have hundreds of friends, most people do not know how to be a good friend.