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A Response To Buzzfeed's Single Shaming Quiz
Buzzfeed recently published a video called “How Single Are You?” The video has four different Buzzfeed commentators who take the quiz with the same title. Some of the options that you can check off of on the quiz include “Stop asking me why I am single!", “What if I end up being single forever”, and “What if I become a crazy cat lady?”
Ciara, Pastor Gray, And The Idolization Of Marriage
The singer Ciara tweeted that her single women fans should #LevelUp and find a husband to marry. Ciara received a backlash for what she said about singles while presenting marriage as the most perfect thing in the world. The pastor's sermon that she shared also highlighted marriage as ultimate goal in life.
Thanksgiving Conversation Recipes To Respond To Family About Your Relationship Status
These are four short and easy conversation recipes to guide you through those awkward questions that family and friends love to ask singles on Thanksgiving. Please use a generous dash of the ingredients and spices of your choice when responding to each question as the circumstances require. Turn up the heat and watch these questions burn in flames.
Shamed For Being Single? Here Are 4 Ways To Combat Single Shaming
Have you been shamed because you are single? Here are four ways to combat single shaming.
3 Common Stigmas Society Holds Against Single Parents
Single parents are becoming more common, yet they continue to encounter stigmas. Here are three common stigmas single parents experience in society.
5 Ways Society Shames Singles For Not Being In A Relationship
Society coerces singles to date and marry. There are five ways society shames singles for not being in a romantic relationship.
How To Deal With Your Married Friends And Their Children
From being more financially liberate, having less family responsibility, and being a generally happier person, there are actually a lot of positives about being single with no children. There is no wrong way to live life, just make sure you find your happiness.
Bill Maher, Facts About Singles, And Single Holiday Name Nominees
Bill Maher presentedd a nice summary of facts about the single demographics that Secure Single has covered on the site. It is nice for someone who has mainstream recognition to finally acknowledge singles.
National Singles Week (Day 5): Stereotypes
Stereotypes are an “unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic.” There are many false stereotypes about singles that is perpetuated by society and popular culture about single men and single women.