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Unconsecrated Single Life For Christian Singles
Christian men and women may want to consider the unconsecrated single life. Here is a look at the unconsecrated single life for Christian singles.
Christian Church Must Recognize Marriage Is Temporary
The Christian church and the Christian community has neglected singleness in favor of the earthly institution of marriage. While marriage is good, it is a temporary earthly institution that God gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning. There will be no marriage on earth after the Second Coming with the new heaven and the new earth.
Singleness Is An Opportunity To Rest And Prepare
Singles, particularly those who have no intention of staying single, are liable to see their singleness through a filter of angst.
3 Ways That The Church Can Help Single Christians By Recognizing Theology Of Singleness
Christians in the church often look down on those who are unmarried. This is problematic because singleness is Biblical. This also creates division within the church.
An Introduction To A Theology Of Singleness
Christianity presents a theology of singleness. It is a unique view in a society that says everyone must pair up.
The Church Is Dying By Not Welcoming Singles And Not Having A Theology Of Singleness
The church is guilty of joining society’s bandwagon by making singles feel uncomfortable for not being in a relationship or being married in the church. There are two ramifications for the church not having a theology of singleness and devaluing singles.
The Surprising Benefits Of Spending Time Alone In Solitude
Popular culture encourages people to be social. Here are the surprising benefits of spending time alone in solitude.
3 Reasons Christian Denominations Must Recognize Singleness
Christians within the Church often look down on those who are unmarried. This is problematic because singleness is Biblical. This also creates division within the Church. Celibacy and singleness also has been a part of church history since the beginning of the Church. All Christian denominations must recognize that singleness is Biblical and welcome singles at church.
In Defense Of The Single Life: How Singles Benefit Society
Society and the media present being single only in negative way. However, being single is a great time to be alive, whether it is only a transitional phase while you prepare yourself to enter another relationship or if you are single by choice.
The 21st Century: Rise Of Singles And The Unmarried In Society
Demographics are changing. Here is an overview of the 21st century, the rise of singles and the unmarried in society.
Vocation of Singleness
Singles who choose a life of singleness should commit oneself to the classical understanding of eros by devoting themselves to a cause above oneself.
On Being Single, Friendship, and Happiness
With a society that portrays singles as being lonely and isolated, it is vital that single people show otherwise by seeking out events that they enjoy and to find a core community that they want to help while developing close friendships with a few friends.
How to Host a Party as a Single Person
It can be difficult to host parties as a single person. If you have never hosted a party before, below is a list of ten things to make sure to have prepared before and at the time of the event.
Singlehood,Singleness, and the Holidays
Don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend? So what! Celebrate your singlehood or singleness. Be a secure single!