Three Ways To Celebrate Being Single This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time when singles return from college or from their busy lives to visit their family over the holiday season. This is also a time where there is pressure to bring home a significant other because of the expectations of family and friends to date. Instead, celebrate your singleness this holiday season. Here are five simple ways to celebrate being single this holiday season.

1. Alone Time Following Social Gatherings

The holidays are often filled with at least one family dinner where all the siblings and parents come around the table once a year to catch up. This often entails polite small talk and general questions about your life, which will normally include a question about your love life. Following catching up with your family, you normally will visit your cousins and grandparents if they live nearby.After these various social gatherings; spend some time alone at your favorite coffee shop, lounge, or your personal hobby. One of the great things about being single is that you have the flexibility to do what you want after you are finished with your holiday social duties. Plus, you have no nagging boyfriend or girlfriend whom you must spend time with, introduce to your family, and show them the town where you grew up in. Spend time alone this holiday season and learn to enjoy your time alone.

2. Host Your Own Party

While alone time is important, it is also important for singles to learn how to be a good host. There are often plenty of holiday parties to attend during the holiday season. This year host your own party and invite your friends. A simple party consists of a few things:

  • Meat, cheese, vegetable, and fruit platters are an easy and filling choice.

    1. Antipasti with olives, variety of vegetables, and crackers.

    2. Winter cocktails, wine, and beer.

    3. Soda and nonalcoholic cocktails.

3. Treat Yourself this Holiday Season 

Singles don’t have to worry about having to purchase an expensive gift for a significant other. Singles can decide to save and budget the money that would go towards buying a gift for a boyfriend or girlfriend or to spend it on something nice this season. Singles can treat themselves to a nice bottle of wine, update the wardrobe, or get tickets for an upcoming concert. Treat yourself and celebrate being single while you are at it.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!



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5 Ways To Love Your Single Self During The Holidays