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Unleashing Strength: 5 Epic Ways Adversity Empowers You!

Society wants you to succumb to pleasure and comfort. You limit your potential when you become enticed by comfort. Here are five epic ways adversity empowers you! 

Seduction Of Comfort

There are many ways that comfort can persuade you to partake in its escapism. Some common forms of comfort include: 

  • Streaming movies, shows, and entertainment content.

  • Consuming alcohol.

  • Doing drugs.

  • Looking to politics for solutions

  • idolizing celebrities and influencers.

  • Scrolling through the news.

  • Doom scrolling on social media.

  • Playing video games.

  • Watching porn. 

  • Consuming prepared, processed, and fast foods. 

Comfort is a seductress. You can easily become addicted to pleasure. The dopamine effect makes you comfortable and incentivizes you to escape reality. 

Society encourages people to escape from their problems and creates weak people. The result is weak generations: emotionally, physically, and mentally. Addictions and comfort make you easy to control. 

You become like Pavlov’s dog. Instead of salivating when the master rings the bell, your choice of comfort is how you enslave yourself. You condition yourself to accept mediocrity by choosing your addictions.

5 Epic Ways Adversity Empowers You

How do you react when hard times come your way? Do you give up? Or do you continue to press on? Hard times are inevitable. Your reaction to difficult problems reveals a lot about you. 

Adversity doesn’t break you. Adversity makes you stronger. Embracing Adversity can help you stand out from your peers in different ways.

Physical Strength

You will stand out in an ever more increasingly unhealthy and obese society by being healthy and strong. 

You can go for a walk or go for a hike. You can take care of your garden or yard. You can Hit the gym.

You don't need to be a bodybuilder to enjoy the benefits of physical strength. Streng is practical in daily tasks, from carrying groceries to yard work. Plus, being strong and healthy boosts your self-confidence. 

Mental Toughness

Mental health problems are skyrocketing. The use of antidepressants and therapy has risen. However, Americans’ mental health continues to plummet. 

A pill won’t fix you. A therapist can’t solve your problems, no matter how many sessions. These are popular solutions that society gives you. You can accept the quick fix or deal with your issues head-on. 

Source (Screenshot): Time

Instead, develop mental toughness. You can become mentally strong by developing mental resilience. Mental resilience is adapting and remaining strong when dealing with adversity, tragedy, trauma, threats, or stress. 

How can you develop mental toughness? Here are some ways:

  • Attention control

  • Visualization

  • Goal setting

  • Anxiety and depression control

  • Practice positive thinking

Be proactive, rather than reactive, with your mental health. You can set goals, be more positive, and visualize your success. You are actively working on projects that keep you and your mind busy. Working on and investing in yourself helps you to feel better.

When you have nothing to work toward, you will be anxious or depressed. You are remaining stagnant. 

At one of my lowest points, I worked as a night stocker at Safeway in Seattle, Washington. I worked during Covid. I would usually buy a bottle of R & R Canadian whisky at the end of the week to deal with my work colleagues and customers. It is a terrible whisky, but I wasn’t looking for flavor. 

I was looking to drown my sorrows. I did not like myself. My liver did not like me. Rather than work to improve myself, I was allowing myself to become depressed. I found solace in cheap booze. The alcohol only made my life worse. I eventually decided to see a therapist, but he did not help me at all. 

I later moved back to my hometown. I saw another therapist a friend referred me to. She gave me the same online autism test I had taken online myself. Afterward, I began to get my act together. I devised a rough strategy of what I wanted to focus on most. I would eventually self-publish my first book and continue to grow my website. 

Without mental strength, negative and toxic people can easily manipulate you. You can waste money on therapy, alcohol, or other things for a quick fix despite seeing no real improvement. However, by focusing on setting and achieving goals, you can stay busy, build self-confidence, and maintain a sense of direction and determination. 

Emotional Strength

It is your choice whether or not you allow what someone says about you to affect you. If you allow others to get to you, they win. Negative and toxic people then know that they can get to you. By developing emotional toughness, you can win in a society where many people have become mentally weak.

Emotional strength is a critical life skill. Being emotionally strong allows you to utilize emotions productively. Forms of emotional strength include:

  • Authenticity

  • Confidence

  • Courage

  • Diligence

  • Perseverance

Upskill When You Encounter Career Stagnation

Nothing continues in a straight line. That includes careers. You can continue to upskill when you begin to deal with career stagnation. 

You can use this to upskill, develop new professional skills, or transition to something different. 

There's always room to grow your skills and income, even if you think you've reached the highest position or salary in your field. Upskilling can open up new open up new opportunities. You can continue to move up in your career, or it may be time to transition to something else.

You could start your own business. You can freelance on a website like Upwork. You can work to build passive income streams. You can earn revenue from self-publishing books to generating ad revenue. The options are endless. You can then work to scale the business to get your time back. With entrepreneurship, you have the freedom and flexibility to design your own career path.

Focus On What You Can Control

Don't waste your attention, time, and energy on what you can't change. Instead, focus on what you can control. You cannot control people or nature. You can control your decisions and reactions. Anything beyond your control is a distraction.

Begin to focus on things that are within your realm of control. Some examples are:

  • Time management

  • Health and nutrition

  • Increasing your skills 

  • Career development

  • Working to achieve your goals

Hard Times Are Inevitable

It is your choice how you respond to hard times. You can either be a victim or be a victor by finding ways to succeed. 

No matter if it is a job loss, a recession, or starting a new chapter in life. You can find ways to come out better on the other side. 

Adversity makes you courageous when dealing with problems. Through adversity, you develop inner and physical strength. 

Embrace adversity. Choose to stand out from your peers by developing mental toughness. Discover success by doing the opposite of what society tells you to do. 


People in modern society have become emotionally, physically, and mentally weak, which makes them easier to control. You can work to develop mental toughness, emotional and physical strength, continue to upskill and focus on what you can control. By doing these things, you can continue improving and setting yourself apart. 

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

The views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional.