14 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day Single Without An Obligatory Date

The couples holiday Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching on February 14th. While the modern rendition of the holiday is made for couples, there are ways that singles can enjoy Valentine's Day single too. You can celebrate Valentine's Day single. This is a guide for how to enjoy Valentine’s Day single for singles who celebrate the holiday. Here are fourteen things singles can do this Valentine’s Day single.

Celebrate Yourself

Being single is often viewed as a time of life that is not beneficial to you or to anyone else while dating and marriage are made into a portrait of what the correct life is supposed to look like by society. That is a false image. Being single is awesome! Celebrate yourself, who you are, and do the things that you love. No one will ever know you like yourself so celebrate this Valentine’s Day!

Make It Friendsvalentine Day

Modern Valentine’s Day only celebrates romantic love. There are other types of love as well. This Valentine’s Day, get together with your best friend and commemorate your friendship! Have a Friendsalentine! Make your Valentine's Day single a chance to get to know your friend better.

Celebrate Your Family

Storge is the love of family. It is a natural familial love between parents and children. You can celebrate your family this Valentine’s Day. Get together with your siblings and parents, and cheers to your family and storge love. Call your family, do a video call, or get together with your family at your house, apartment, or go out to a restaurant. If your family pressures you to date, then you can have some prepared responses. Celebrate your family and not being in a romantic relationship this Valentine’s Day.

Contemplate The Different Types of Love

There are many different types of love, but the English language is imprecise which makes it difficult to differentiate between different types of love. That was not the case with classical philosophy which has observed and contemplated three types of love: eros, philia, and agape. This Valentine’s Day, critically analyze the nature of love or go to your favorite library and read Plato or another famous classical philosopher. While you are reading classical philosophy, brush up on the origin story of soulmates and true love because people and society are infatuated by that myth.

Make It Your Day

Valentine’s Day is a day that has been made into a day for couples to check off for a required date. This Valentine’s Day make it your day! You do you. Do anything that you want to do because you are a unique person that adds to this world.

Not Having To Spend Money On An Obligatory Date Night

Be happy that you are not in a relationship that forces you to waste money on an obligatory date, low-quality chocolate, and expensive roses. That is money that you have saved today just for being single. It is up to you how you want to save or spend that money that would go towards Valentine’s Date today if you had one.

Bubble Bath And A Glass of Wine

A classic option for singles to do on Valentine’s Day. Use your time in the bubble bath savoring your glass of wine, thinking about why you enjoy being single instead of that you are missing out on the holiday by not having a date.

Make A List Of All the Reasons Why You Enjoy Being Single

Instead of moping around your apartment or house while your roommate or your friend has an obligatory Valentine’s date, make a list of all the reasons why you enjoy being single. The single life is a time to thrive as a person instead of trying to always find someone to date and to marry. Singles are healthier than couples and these are five facts that can start your list.

Make A Dinner Reservation For One

Do you want to stand out on Valentine’s Day? Do you want to be that person that people ask, what is that person doing here? Celebrate yourself by dining out at a restaurant that you have been wanting to try. Restaurants often have prix fixe meals on Valentine’s Day. It’s a great way to try more than one dish at a restaurant while saving some money. As for those couples looking at you perplexed, enjoy yourself and know that you are free and are not part of society’s couples wall. Have a Valentine's Day single dinner for one this year!

Cocktail For One

Find a bar or cocktail lounge that makes cocktails and cheer to the single life!

Spoil Yourself

Couples are spoiling their lovers, significant others, partners, or spouses with cheap chocolate and roses. Why can’t you spoil yourself? Buy a nice box of chocolate, a bottle of wine (or drink of choice, and anything else that you want to spoil yourself. Make this Valentine’s Day a Me Day.


As you observe couples on Valentine’s Day, while they may be happy being together they are celebrating on Valentine’s Day having a ball and chain that limits the choices that they can make and the opportunities that they can take. A romantic relationship takes away the freedom of the single life. Acknowledge the freedom and the other values that come with the single life this Valentine’s Day single.

Do Something that You Have Never Done Before

Make Valentine’s Day a day of adventure. Try something new! Go to a new restaurant. Explore your city. Use the freedom of the single life to do something exciting that you could not do this holiday if you had to go on a cheesy date on Valentine’s Day. Have a Valentine's Day single day that is unique and different from what all the couples will be doing on the holiday.

Educate Yourself About the History of Valentine’s Day

Modern Valentine’s Day has become synonymous with dinner reservations, cheap chocolate, expensive roses, and hoping to get lucky with a date on the holiday. It was not always like this. It was historically a fertility holiday where men would sacrifice an animal, then use the skin of the animal to hit women because it was believed that doing this it would make women fertile. A Roman emperor later outlawed marriage and Saint Valentine illegally performed marriages until he was martyred. Brush up on the real history behind Valentine’s Day instead and question why the masses are celebrating the holiday.


There are fourteen ways that you can celebrate Valentine’s Day single in 2018. Don’t let couples get you down about being single, instead, make couples jealous of you being single this Valentine's Day. You have the freedom and you don’t have to waste money on a bad date and dinner this year. Love yourself. Love being single. Love the single life this Valentine’s Day!

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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