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7 Ways To Save Money At The Grocery Store During Inflationary Times

Have you noticed prices going up at the grocery store? You are not alone in seeing the rising prices. Here are seven ways to save money at the grocery store during inflationary times.

Write A Grocery List

You want to enter the grocery store with a grocery list. A grocery list helps you to stay organized. You can include on the list the necessities that you need to purchase. This will help you to save money. Only buy the items that are on your grocery list.

Wants Versus Needs

You want to differentiate between wants and needs at the grocery store. Do you really need the six-pack of beer? Or is that a want? You can purchase the essentials you need to live each month. That means buying the items that you need each month. You can purchase only the basic things that you need to cook.

Purchase The Store Brand

You can purchase the store brand instead of the name brand. The store brand is cheaper compared to the name brands. This is a way for the grocery store to make more money when you purchase the store brand product. It will also save you extra money. It is a win-win for both parties. Sometimes, the store brand may be just as good as the name brand.

Do Not Let Your Food Go Bad

Do not purchase more food than you will eat because then the food will go bad. That is food that you will throw into the trash can. The United States wastes roughly 120 billion pounds of food each year. This is another way to save money. Food that goes to waste is bad for your wallet. It is also food that goes to trash and into the landfill. Save money by only purchasing the amount of food that you will consume when you go grocery shopping.

Shop Sales

You can shop the sales at the grocery store. You can read online what the store may have on sale this week before you go to the grocery store. You can see what is on sale when you go to the store. Rather than purchasing what you had intended to purchase, you could buy the substitute that is on sale. That may slightly change your recipe for when you cook, but it will save you money.

Buy Meat On Special

You can purchase meat when it is on special. You can get decent discounts when you buy meat on special. For meat, it will be somewhere around the store’s meat section. Meat is one of the most expensive grocery store costs. You can sometimes find good cuts of meat on a discount, but you must cook it that day or the following day., It would be best to use your judgment for whether the meat is close to going bad or still good.

Do Not Shop Hungry

You want to avoid entering the grocery store hungry. Make sure you shop on a full stomach. You may purchase more items than you intended to because you were hungry. You may buy some of the stores prepared food. You could cook the same equivalent meal for less at home.


This is a list of ways to save money at the grocery store during inflationary times. You can work to start to change your shopping habits to save more money while shopping. These are also great ways to save money, no matter the current economic climate. Change your shopping habits. Save money.

James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!