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What Is Minimalism? 30 Benefits Of Living A Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism is a way to live with less possessions. A minimalist lifestyle gives freedom to singles to be more self-sufficient. There are many benefits from health to money that will help singles to prosper by living a minimalist lifestyle. This article will cover thirty benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle for singles.   

Minimalism means living with things you need. It means removing anything that will distract you from living with intentionality. According to The Minimalists, “Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom…Today’s problem seems to be the meaning we assign to stuff: we assign too much meaning to things, often forsaking our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourselves.”

Minimalism is a way to save money. You own fewer possessions. A minimalist lifestyle frees you from consuming more than you need. Modern society assigns your meaning to the stuff you own rather than self-development, relationships, and discovering your life purpose.

Benefits Of Minimalism For Singles

There are many benefits of minimalism for singles. A minimalist lifestyle can improve your life by reducing the number of products or services you buy or consume. Living a minimalist lifestyle can help to improve your life, finances, relationships, and health. It can even make your solo travel trips simpler.

30 Benefits Of Living A Minimalist Lifestyle

A minimalist lifestyle can improve your life in many ways. You don’t need to stop owning things; learn to simplify your life. Here are seven ways minimalism can directly change your life for the better.

Own Fewer Possessions 

You will own fewer possessions. Minimalism is deciding to live with only the things that you need intentionally. Each item that you own is a tool that supports your purpose. Instead of buying things because you want something for temporary pleasure, the possessions you own serve a purpose. You only own things that help you achieve your goals. With fewer things to distract you, you will be able to pay more attention to the things that matter most. You remove distractions by owning less. This is a way to help you to focus more on the things that matter most to you. A minimalist lifestyle enables you to concentrate on what is truly important to you instead of being distracted by possessions.

Possessions Don’t Own You 

Your possessions don’t own you. This may sound counterintuitive, but your possessions can control you. When you must make time, plan, or find space to put a possession you have but never even used, then that possession owns you. You don’t own them. They own you.

Freedom From The Modern World

A minimalist lifestyle gives you freedom. It frees you from modern hysteria. The modern world runs at a fast pace. We live in a hustle culture trying to make ends meet due to a depreciating currency and inflation. People are now working two, sometimes three jobs to make ends meet. These may be contract, part-time, or full-time jobs. Despite working more hours, many people continue to fall deeper into debt. People rush from one event, then they go off to their next social event or out to eat to meet up with their friends. They miss out or avoid real-life human interaction by being on social media. While they are distracted by these things, they never get anything done.

 When you become minimalist, you start to slow down your life. It frees us from modern hysteria. It offers freedom to disengage from having to buy the latest phone or gadget. It seeks to keep only the essentials. A minimalist lifestyle aims to remove frivolous things from your life. You keep only things essential to your life for your work or personal life.

Achievable Goal 

Minimalism is an achievable goal. Currently, 64% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Yet they try to get as much stuff as their income and credit cards allow them. This means they go into debt to own possessions. They appear to be successful on the surface, but they may have student loans or credit card debt. Consequently, they have no savings or money to invest.

A minimalist lifestyle is a solution. You may decide never to return to your previous life instead of having more things than you need. You make the conscious decision to live with less stuff. You only live with the things you need. The extra money you can save and invest.

Save Space 

A minimalist lifestyle will save you space. Do you need twenty versions of the same shirt in your wardrobe? Do you need to buy the whole set when you live alone? Do you need five versions of the same end table? A minimalist lifestyle will save you space in your closet. It will also give you more livable space where you live.


A minimalist life gives freedom. You will not let yourself be owned by things when you have less stuff. Need to go on a trip? Simple. Grab your one or two bags. Off you go. Need to move? It will save you time and the stress of packing lots of boxes.

Less Wasteful 

A minimalist lifestyle is less wasteful. You will have less waste in your house. You will throw away less food and items that you never used. This will help the environment. It will also help you not waste food. Because when you waste food, you are wasting the money you spent on the food you are throwing away because it went bad.

According to Beycome, there are four ways to be less wasteful while being environmentally friendly: save water, segregate wastes, stop using plastics, and recycle and reuse. You will use less water, plastics, waste and can recycle what you use as a minimalist. You can decide how critical this issue is to you and if you want to reduce your waste to zero waste for the environment.

How Minimalism Can Help Your Finances

A minimalist lifestyle can help you better save, manage, and invest your money. You will be less likely to spend money on wants, things you need, or to buy something because someone else you know just bought an excellent shiny object. Minimalism is a way to keep yourself away from shiny object syndrome while saving money. Here are twelve ways to improve your finances by living a minimalist lifestyle.


You will stop living a life based on consumerism. You will start to buy only the things you need instead of the things you want. This can help you stop comparing yourself to the Joneses, Kardashians, your friends, neighbors, and your family. There is no reason to compete and compare yourself to others when you work on bettering yourself. Self-improvement does not require consuming things.

Moving Costs 

Moving is expensive. It is also stressful. Moving is ranked as one of the most stressful situations people experience. Moving is on the list of the most distressing events in life, which usually include the death of a loved one, separation or divorce, and getting married. A minimalist life can decrease the anxiety that moving stresses because you won’t have to plan out and rent a giant moving truck for your move. Depending on how much of a minimalist you are, casual or extreme, you may be able to put everything in the back of your car. This will save you time, money, and stress when you have to move for work or because you decided to move to a new city or state.


If you are just starting and have decided to live a minimalist lifestyle, you can resell your old clothes, electronics, and anything else you will get rid of. You can resell your old items on websites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and niche resell sites. This is an opportunity to make money from your old stuff as you work towards a minimalist lifestyle. You can then save or invest the money as you sell the old things you no longer need, from swimsuits to gaming consoles.

Cancel Subscriptions  

Cancel any subscriptions that you no longer use or are time wasters. According to a Bankrate survey, over half (51% of U.S. adults) “had a subscription or membership account incurred unwanted charges at some point.” An article by Yahoo Finance found that thousands of Americans waste $348 a year on subscriptions they don’t even use. A survey by Chase Bank found that two-thirds of consumers had forgotten at least one recurring payment over the last year, making Americans waste on average $50 a month, or $600 a year. In summary, the average American misspends between $350 to $600 yearly on subscriptions they don’t even use!

It is up to you to decide what subscriptions you want to eliminate from your life. You could do this to save money or time in your life that you could spend on self-development. You could invest that money towards a subscription into your savings account each year or put it toward a project you have always wanted to do.


As the above subscription example shows, you will waste money you don’t even use each year if you don't know where your money is going. This is why keeping a budget is essential. You will better keep track of your spending and money habits and learn to manage your money. You can use some budget apps like You Need A Budget (YNAB), Goodbudget, or Mint. You can also use old-school envelopes with the cash you allocate each month to pay your bills. A minimalist lifestyle can help to simplify your life, improve your budgeting, and help you to keep more money in your bank account.


When you live a minimalist lifestyle, you will save more money. Since you are not trying to keep up with other people in your life who have bought things they maybe can’t afford anyways, you can save your money. A standard recommended amount to save each month is 20% if you follow the 50/30/20 formula. Of course, you can adjust it depending on your own goals and financial situation. 

The interest rate of savings accounts depends on the Federal Reserve, which central banks set. This will determine your bank’s rate where you bank with your savings account. Today, you have options of both physical banks and online banks. You can also find high-interest rate savings accounts which offer higher rates than a regular savings account. Then by living a minimalist life, you can save the extra money you make working and save by spending less, cutting out unnecessary subscriptions or things you don’t use, and focusing on creating a lean budget. 

Certificate of Deposit (CD) 

Living a minimalist lifestyle can assist you in putting money into a Certificate of Deposit (CD). A bank will often offer a CD along with a savings account. A Certificate of Deposit usually has a higher interest rate than a standard savings account. A Certificate of Deposit is another way to diversify the money you make working so that your money works for you.

A Certificate of Deposit is another option as you learn the basics of money more sophisticated. It will give you a higher interest rate, meaning you will make more money over the agreed period, but it is less liquid than a savings account.

Money Market Account (Money Market Account)

You can put money into a money market account as you work to save more money and live a minimalist lifestyle. This is the third standard option that some banks will offer in addition to a savings account and a Certificate of Deposit. A Money Market Account (MMA) often has a higher interest rate than a savings account and a Certificate of Deposit. You will also receive a checkbook and debit card with a Money Market Account. This is another option for when you start to live a minimalist lifestyle. You can put money that you previously put into buying something you did not need into a money market account.


Another way you can choose to save and invest your money is to put your money into bonds. According to the balance, there are five main types of bonds: U.S. treasury bonds, savings bonds, agency bonds, municipal bonds, and corporate bonds. You can learn about these different types of bonds and decide if they fit your risk tolerance.


A minimalist lifestyle will give you more money you can invest. According to Investopedia, “Investing, broadly, is putting money to work for a period of time in some sort of project or undertaking in order to generate positive returns (i.e., profits that exceed the amount of the initial investment).” There are many ways that you can choose to invest and grow your money, depending on your risk tolerance. You can invest in stocks, bonds, funds, investment trusts, long or short stocks, and other types of investments, options, derivatives, and commodities, or choose to start your own business. A general rule is that the less risk, the less reward; the higher the risk, the more reward.


When you start to live a minimalist lifestyle and have saved and invested enough money, you can learn to speculate. This will be dependent upon your risk tolerance. Speculating is different from investing. According to Investopedia, “Speculating is the act of putting money into financial endeavors with a high probability of failure. Speculating seeks abnormally high returns from bets that can go one way or the other.”

It has a higher risk, but that means a higher reward if your speculation is correct. It is also more of an art than a science. According to Doug Casey, a few essential skills needed to be a speculator are to trust your gut, find distortions in the financial markets, understand trends, analyze data, and be disciplined.


When you have more money because you have chosen to live frugally, you can decide if you want to start your own business. Online businesses have a lower startup cost compared to traditional businesses today. To create an online business today, you need a minimum of four things. A website, an email list, a YouTube Channel, and then a product or service to sell. An online business can profit from affiliates, advertisements, and selling products or services. Once you have made money from a business, you can then reinvest it into other businesses, Stock Market, and speculate on more risky types of assets since you have consistent money coming in each month.

How Minimalism Can Help Your Relationships

Minimalism can help your relationships. No matter the reason you may be single or your current living situation, a minimalist lifestyle can improve your relationships with people in your life. It can improve your relationships with your acquaintances, friends, and family. Here are two ways minimalism can help your relationships!

Fewer Arguments 

You will have fewer arguments with your roommates, parents, or friends. Millennials are living longer with their parents or roommates. When you live a minimalist lifestyle, you will have fewer arguments about what is yours or what is someone else’s. This will save you a lot of headaches and time.

Accidently Throwing Something Out That Someone Wants 

With fewer arguments, minimalism will prevent you from accidentally throwing something out that someone wants to keep. You may know someone with possessions that you think are old and of no value, but they may have sentimental value. If you are living with roommates or may still be living with your parents, you must be cautious about things you may accidentally throw out. There may be things that you want to get rid of, but you can’t because you don’t know if they are valuable to your roommate, friends, or family.

You won’t own many possessions living a minimalist lifestyle. This will make it clearer to differentiate your things from the other people you may be living with or renting from. This will simplify your relationships with your roommates, friends, or family. This will make your life easier.

How A Minimalist Lifestyle Can Improve Your Health

 Key Point: [bctt tweet="A minimalist lifestyle improves your health because you are not hoarding, which will solve problems such as mold and animal infestations." via="no"] 

There are health dangers that come with hoarding. Hoarding is the opposite of minimalism. When you are a minimalist, there is less risk that you will encounter health problems if you keep where you live clean. A minimalist lifestyle can help decrease your risk of these health dangers from happening to you or people visiting you. Here are five ways how a minimalist lifestyle can improve your health.


You will less likely have mold grow where you live. You won’t be hoarding junk you don’t use where mold could grow. Mold often goes unseen. According to Health, mold can activate allergy symptoms, cause a cough, increase respiratory illness, and cause lung infection and asthma. Breathe a sigh of relief because a minimalist lifestyle can help decrease your chance of mold-related health problems.


According to the EPA, health issues that bugs and pests can cause include vector-borne diseases, asthma and allergies, and microbial diseases and infections. You don’t have to worry about viruses like West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, E. coli, or Salmonella. Your house will be clean. It will be easier to see and deal with any bugs you may encounter. They won’t be able to hide or live underneath junk you don’t have because you are a minimalist. You will deal with fewer bugs when you are living a minimalist life. You won’t have to worry about spiders making a nest in a dark area where your laundry has been sitting for months.

Animal Infestations  

When you have lots of junk or are a hoarder, it can create an animal infestation. Rodents such as rats and mice will be attracted to any old food or items you may have lying around. Rodents spread diseases, bacteria, and viruses such as Hantavirus.

A minimalist lifestyle will help to prevent an animal infestation from happening where you live. You won’t have the waste or junk which attracts rodents to infest.

Immunocompromised Individuals

Filthy living conditions are dangerous for immunocompromised individuals. According to very well health, many reasons can cause someone to become immunocompromised: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), chemotherapy, cancer, medication, chronic diseases, congenital disorders, and aging. People with weak or compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to getting sick.

Minimalism can help immunocompromised individuals who visit you because they won’t have to worry about your house being dirty. They will know that it is clean and tidy.


Along with helping immunocompromised individuals, you will assist the elderly with a minimalist lifestyle. You will be helping the elderly who don’t have a robust immune system to be safer when you visit. They won’t have to worry about mold, bugs, animal infestations, or other health concerns because they know that you are a minimalist and keep your places clean.


How Minimalism Can Improve Travel

 When you live a minimal lifestyle, it will make it easier for you to travel. For singles, traveling alone is a great way to see the world and gain experiences by seeing and experiencing cultures around the world. In the modern world, there are additional benefits to traveling that will be explored below. Here are four ways a minimalist lifestyle helps you travel.

Travel Is Easy 

A minimalist lifestyle makes travel easy. You don’t have to decide what clothes you want to bring on your trip. You only have a small selection of clothes for casual to formal events. You can pack up the clothes you need for your trip, and your travel documents and are ready to head to your destination.

Simplify Airport Check-In 

You won’t have large luggage bags or multiple bags for a trip. You will only have your carry-on bags. If you are going on a more extended trip, maybe you will have a suitcase. It will make your journey easier. You won’t have to worry about losing your luggage. A minimalist lifestyle will make going through security at airports a breeze. Once inside the airport or on your plane, you won’t have to worry about accidentally leaving your baggage behind.

Have A Passport 

You can travel alone to any country that your passport allows. Your passport gives you access to create new life experiences. You only need your suitcase and your travel documents. Being a minimalist will make your trip more straightforward, and it will be easier to find your passport and travel documents.

Have A Plan B (Even A Plan C) 

Minimalism makes it easier for you to visit or move to your Plan B. At the bare minimum, this can be a vacation residence. However, having a Plan B is a way for you to diversify your political risk. At the very least, it is good to have options to live on your terms.


This article only goes over thirty benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle. There are many more reasons to choose minimalism over consumerism. No matter your choice for embracing a minimalist life, it will help you stay better organized and improve your life, from your relationships to your finances.

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!