The Blog
Do Women Need Men? Or Do Women Need Women? Or Something Else?
Do women need men? Or do women need women? Or something else? Women are told that they need men when they need something else.
Single Parent Stigmas And Stereotypes Prove Untrue
The single parent faces many stigmas and stereotypes that prove to be untrue when examined with a closer look outside of of society's myths.
First House For Single Women Buying Real Estate
The first house for single women is different compared to single men. Single women are becoming a force in the real estate market today.
4 Single Life Hacks To Be An Apex Single
Are you wondering how to make the most of being single? Here are four single life hacks to be an apex single!
How Spending Time Alone Can Develop Life Skills For Singles
Spending time alone gets a bad rep from society. Here is how spending time alone can develop life skills for singles.
How To Be Friends With A Guy For Women
Single women, are you wondering how to enjoy the friend zone? Here is how to be friends with a guy for women when he wants you.
Single Men And Sexual Satisfaction For Cheap
Technology provides access to different ways to experience sex. Single men and sexual satisfaction for cheap can be done in modern society.
The Christian Church Singles Problem
The Christian church singles problem is that it fails to recognize being single as good. Singleness is Biblical.
How Tinder Ruined Relationships For Singles— Forever
Tinder has ruined relationships for singles... forever! For singles who eventually want to settle down, gone are the days of courting and love letters.
Fourth of July And Singles Independence Day
This Fourth of July is an opportunity to celebrate singles independence. Celebrate autonomy and independence this holiday singles!
How To Be A Happy Single Woman: These Tricks Will Blow Your Mind!
If you want to learn how to be a happy single woman, and you feel like it's hard— You've gotta learn these two mind-blowing tricks!
Depression In Ageing Singles: 5 Steps To Cope
With the rise of depression and suicide in America. here are 5 steps for ageing singles to cope with sadness and loss of transitions.
Why Are You Single? 17 Beautifully Snarky Responses
If you're sick of everyone you meet saying "Why are you single?" You've got to read this. These responses will make them never ask you again.
How Single Unmarried Women Can Deal With Getting Pregnant Outside Of Wedlock
Single women have a range of options available to them if they get pregnant outside of wedlock today. Here are the three most common options.
Confessions Of A Serial Dater: Singles Don't Need Dating To Be Happy
If you're one of those people who can't stop swiping— You can learn how you're doing yourself a disservice from these secret confessions of a serial dater.
Relationship-Oriented Singles: Single And Looking To Fill The Void
Relationship-oriented singles are currently single by default, but they ultimately want to get into a romantic relationship.
How Singles Can Purify Themselves To Become A Virgin Again
You can never truly become a virgin again once you lose it. Here are three ways singles can purify themselves to become a virgin again today.
Why Singles Can Enjoy The Friendzone In Relationships
Don't fear the friendzone! The friendzone is where you want to be if you want to have a long-lasting relationship down the road.
5 Ways To Be Happily Single And Enjoy Life
Being happily single is a choice that singles can make in a culture that pressures singles to constantly be in romantic relationships. Here are five easy ways to be happily single.
Default Single: How To Enjoy Being Single Even If You Want To Date
If you feel like you weren't meant to live life as a single person and view yourself as a default single, but in your heart, you want to meet someone—Learn a few easy tips to help you be happy being single until you get there!