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5 Ways How To Deal With Loneliness During The Coronavirus Pandemic
These are five ways that you can deal with loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic that has affected the world.
5 Ways Singles Can Change Society
Singles often get a bad rep. But as a single person, or individual, it is up to you to take action to change society.
Top Ten Ways Culture Idealizes Marriage
These are the ten main ways that society and popular culture raise marriage to a miracle social drug that it simply is not. Society idealizes marriage into something that can only be found in fairy tales and movies.
Families Stop Pressuring Singles To Find A Partner During The Holidays
When singles go home for Christmas and the holiday season, they can expect a family or extended family member to say something along of the lines of “he/she is the next to be married in the family.” Families, extended family, and friends please stop pressuring and assuming that single family members are interested in finding a partner and getting married.
3 Ways That The Church Can Help Single Christians By Recognizing Theology Of Singleness
Christians in the church often look down on those who are unmarried. This is problematic because singleness is Biblical. This also creates division within the church.
An Introduction To A Theology Of Singleness
Christianity presents a theology of singleness. It is a unique view in a society that says everyone must pair up.
Whoopi Goldberg Explains Why Women Prefer Being Single
Whoopi Goldberg is correct. There is nothing wrong with being single, but society pressures singles to get married to feel normal and to be accepted by society.
The Church Is Dying By Not Welcoming Singles And Not Having A Theology Of Singleness
The church is guilty of joining society’s bandwagon by making singles feel uncomfortable for not being in a relationship or being married in the church. There are two ramifications for the church not having a theology of singleness and devaluing singles.
What The New GOP Tax Plan Means For You And Why You Should Care
The GOP has rearranged the tax brackets from seven into four. This is good for some, and not for others. Simple is better in some cases, especially with tax. Here is the scoop on how the new tax codes will affect you. The new tax plan could hurt singles with children.
3 Ways Women Can Fight Back After #MeToo
The count of #MeToo victims needs to stop here and now. Get empowered and arm yourself with defense for your body and therapy for your mind.
The Rise Of The Single, Happy, And Career Bound Women Part II
Today you can look at Opera, Coco Chanel, Diane Keaton and Mindy Kaling who are massively successful because they chose to take the career path and truly tune into their natural skills and hone in their talents.
Powerful #MeToo Awareness Goes Viral On Social Media
The #MeToo trend begins to light the horrific private assaults against people who have experienced sexual trauma and abuse.
The Rise Of The Childless Movement
Singles and the childless can join together to propel what being single truly means in a society that worships the white picket fence.
3 Ways Singles Can Survive The Dating Industrial Complex
Singles are pressured to date by society. Here are three ways singles can survive the dating industrial complex.
3 Common Stigmas Society Holds Against Single Parents
Single parents are becoming more common, yet they continue to encounter stigmas. Here are three common stigmas single parents experience in society.
5 Ways Society Shames Singles For Not Being In A Relationship
Society coerces singles to date and marry. There are five ways society shames singles for not being in a romantic relationship.
The Rise Of The Single, Happy,And Career Bound Women Part I
America just celebrated her 241’st birthday and is one of the youngest and most dominant economic and militant powered countries in the world. It would make sense that the growing number women in America are contributing to the growth.
Life, Death, And Increased Taxes On Single Parents And Singles
The Trump administration has proposed to get rid of one of the tax filing statuses that gives single parents a deduction in the tax code. There are currently two types of filing in the tax code: married and single.
3 Reasons Christian Denominations Must Recognize Singleness
Christians within the Church often look down on those who are unmarried. This is problematic because singleness is Biblical. This also creates division within the Church. Celibacy and singleness also has been a part of church history since the beginning of the Church. All Christian denominations must recognize that singleness is Biblical and welcome singles at church.
Learn To Enjoy Being Single: Single Life VS Relationships
It is time for singles to stand up against the assumed obligation to always be in a relationship and to proclaim that they are content and satisfied being single.