The Blog
An Introduction To Online Safety For Single Women
This is an introduction to online safety for single women. A problematic outcome of the Internet is cyberstalking for women.
Has Cybersex Replaced Real Sex?
Do you need a sexual partner? Do you need to have sex with a human? Has cybersex replaced real sex? Here is a look at six types of netsex.
Revealing The Purpose Of The Education System
The education system markets itself to set you up for success. The true purpose of the education system is to make you a compliant employee.
12 Reasons Why Young People Should Not Go To College
These are twelve reasons why young people should not go to college. You have more options. There is no reason to go into debt for college.
The Rise Of Ghost Jobs And Fake Job Ads
If navigating the job market and finding a job wasn't complicated enough, there are now ghost jobs on online job sites.
Discover The Unexpected Reason Young Adults Stay Single
In this article, you will discover the unexpected reason young adults stay single. It is not for the usually stated explanations.
What You Can Do Instead Of Going To College
You have probably been told that you must go to college. You have more options for what you can do instead of going to college.
Be Exceptional In A Society That Wants You To Be Mediocre
It is up to you to choose to be exceptional in a society that encourages mediocrity. You can break away from being ordinary.
6 Reasons Why College Is A Waste Of Time
Here are six reasons why college is a waste of time. The short answer is, professors are the last people you want to learn from.
5 Astonishing Causes Of Autism And Social Isolation
What causes autistic individuals to self-isolate? There are five astonishing causes of autism and social isolation.
7 Ways MeToo Ruined Dating
MeToo has destroyed relationships between men and women. Here are seven ways how MeToo ruined dating in the MeToo era.
Single Demographics 2022 - 5 Surprising Reasons People Stay Single Longer
Single demographics in 2022 show that people are continuing to stay single. Roughly 127 million people are single in the United States!
Is There A Simping Problem?
Is there a simping problem? Men are becoming simps to camgirls instead of working to improve themselves.
What Is Gynocentrism?
What is gynocentrism? It is a theory or practice that places exclusive focus on women. It has given rise to feminism.
15 Reasons Why I No Longer Vote
Does voting truly matter? Here are fifteen reasons why I no longer vote. The bottom line is that politics attracts the worst people.
12 Causes Of Millennial Burnout
Why are Millennial frustrated and experiencing burnout? Twelve main causes have contributed to millennial burnout. Millennials are staying single longer.
30 Reasons For The Great Resignation
When did The Great Resignation start? It did not begin with the pandemic. Here are thirty reasons for The Great Resignation.
The Loneliness Epidemic And Social Media Paradox
The loneliness epidemic and social media paradox contribute to mental and physical health problems.
Lockdown Loneliness During Covid
Lockdown loneliness during Covid is real, and the consequences are depression, substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide.
10 Reasons Why Millennials Are Not Marrying
These are ten reasons why Millennials are not marrying and are remaining single.