7 Easy Tips To Find Your True Self

Society is filled with distractions that prevent you from learning about yourself. These distractions are hindrances because it is critical to know oneself. Without knowing yourself, you will wander with no destination in mind. Here are seven easy tips for finding your true self. 


You have a natural way of relating, thinking, feeling, and doing things related to your talents. Your talents reflect your strengths. Your natural strengths allow you to deliver high-quality performance consistently. Your abilities can develop into strengths by honing your knowledge and skills in a specific area.


A skill is an ability you can continue improving in a field or subject. There are soft and hard skills. Both complement each other and can help you to stand out among your peers in the workplace.

Soft skills include communication and time management that are transferable across industries. On the other hand, technical skills specific to the industry you work in make you specialized and unique. 


Understand what your competencies are. Competency is the successful application of your knowledge and skills. Competencies require action, which makes them more complex than skills.

An example of competency would be that you are skilled in writing and marketing. Still, your core competency is in digital marketing copywriting, where you write marketing copy for various types of content to share across social media channels to appeal to different audiences.

Problem You Want To Solve

Embrace entrepreneurship as a powerful tool for problem-solving. Another way to solve problems for a business is as an employee or freelancer. Apply your strengths and skills to solve problems that people deal with every day.


Understanding your strengths, skills, competency and problem-solving skills can bring a new level of enjoyment to your daily work. It's this enjoyment that can reignite your obsession when you feel like you've lost your drive, reminding you of the initial love and zealousness that you had for your work. 


What is your "Why"? What is it that gets you up in the morning every day? Your values are why you do something and think the way you do. They are not just abstract concepts but an internal navigation system that guides your decisions and actions, providing a sense of direction and reassurance.

You can say that your values are honesty, temperance, and courage, but your actions may not reflect that. It is by your daily actions that people can know if you live by the values that you say you live by. Your actions not only reflect your values but also shape others' perceptions of you, making you responsible and accountable for your behavior.

Your values are the actions other people see, often making them a mirror of your principles.


Principles act as an internal compass, steering you through life. They are instrumental in shaping your behavior, but it's crucial that your values are in harmony with the principles that direct your life.

There are a few fundamental things to understand about principles:

  • A principle is an unchanging basic assumption, law, or truth. 

  • They are objective and do not change.

  • Principles can be based on human nature, natural law, philosophy, religion, or a worldview.

Principles are the constitution that you live by. They act as a protective shield, preventing others from easily influencing you and ensuring you don't wander like a lost sheep. 


Without self-awareness, you will find yourself adrift and spending time on things that don't truly fulfill you. But when you know yourself, you gain a clear direction, focusing on improving your strengths, skills, and competence to stand out. With principles as your guide, you can avoid drifting aimlessly.

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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