The Shocking Truth About How Self-Sabotage Destroys Your Life

Are you a victim of self-sabotage? Self-sabotage comes in various forms, including self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and procrastination, which can destroy your life. By recognizing these negative behaviors, you can overcome self-defeating behavior and achieve your goals.

How Self-Sabotage Destroys Your Life

Self-sabotage wrecks your life by taking your precious time. It makes you doubt yourself, which prevents you from taking action. Self-sabotage makes you a perfectionist so that nothing is ever completed.

It prevents you from taking small steps to achieve goals. It stops you from asking critical questions about yourself, life, and the world. You make yourself your own worst enemy rather than knowing yourself.

Self-sabotage always tells you ‘no.’ You never progress through life. You continue to remain in the same stagnant place when you sabotage yourself.

Forms Of Self-Sabotage

Self-doubt is when you question your abilities and capabilities. It's a psychological hurdle that prevents you from fully utilizing your strengths and skills. 

Imposter syndrome is when you think that you are a fake. You tell yourself that you have not achieved success. Imposter syndrome negatively impacts your self-worth when you anguish over small mistakes. You depend on external validation for your self-worth. You believe you have not met your own expectations of yourself or what others have of you.

You procrastinate when you continue putting off a task you know you must do. The result is that the task is delayed or may never get done. When you decide to start to work on the task, you will have less time to do it. 

Avoiding a task or project you know you need to do creates stress. By continuing to dodge the task, you add more pressure on yourself. The task will never disappear. Avoiding it is futile.

Stop making assumptions. By assuming something is correct, you risk making decisions based on false information. Instead, seek out facts and evidence to make informed decisions. 

“The way to keep yourself from making assumptions is to ask questions.” - Miguel Angel Ruiz

How To Overcome Self-Sabotage

Exercise. Go for a brisk walk outside. Go on a challenging hike. Lift weights at your gym. Exercise helps to get your creative and problem-solving juices flowing. 

Practice time management strategies. Make a to-do list. Set deadlines on a calendar. Prioritize your tasks on your calendar and your to-do list. Get up early in the morning. Stay up late at night. Be willing to outwork your peers. Find productivity tools that work for you to help you better manage your time.

Set your compass with clear goals. Without them, you're just wandering. Clearly defined goals give you a direction, a purpose, and a reason to strive for more. 

Be confident. Plan and strategize. Be consistent and follow through by making decisions and taking actions that will help your plan come to fruition. 

Opposite action. Do the opposite of how you are self-sabotaging yourself. For example, if you are procrastinating. The opposite action is to do the task first rather than last to stop procrastinating. 


You can continue the self-sabotaging behavior and never reach your goals. Or, you can take the necessary steps to conquer your self-defeating behavior. By being aware of how you sabotage yourself, you can find the correct method to defeat it and begin to achieve your goals. Start by identifying one self-sabotaging behavior and applying the strategies discussed in this article.

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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