Anti-Politics And Self-Development: The Shocking Link Explained

The growing suspicion of politicians and society’s institutions creates what is known as anti-politics. There is no longer any confidence in politics and institutions to do the right thing. This means you must accept responsibility for your life to improve yourself through self-development. 

What Is Anti-Politics?

Anti-politics is a growing distrust of politicians, government, and society’s institutions. Anti-politics recognizes that the government and institutions are corrupt. 

Due to the low to zero confidence in politicians, politics provides no remedies. Politics is seen as only making life more difficult for the average Joe and Jane. While they hurt the little guy, politicians become more wealthy.

Politicians accept money from lobbyists by passing a law that favors a larger corporation. They practice insider trading to become more wealthy from the knowledge they gain from regulating corporations. They use their political connections to enrich themselves.

Confidence in institutions is at an all-time low. People are losing trust in pretty much every institution. The institutions with the lowest level of trust are Congress, Big Business, and television news. Americans’ confidence in the higher education system continues to collapse. 

They are no different from anyone else, yet they pretend to have no self-interest by hiding it using terms such as “public servant,” “altruism,” and “common good.” 

No politician or institution is coming to save you. The people in power will inherently look out for their own self-interest first. 

The growing use of lawfare to silence dissenting voices further feeds anti-politics. Lawfare weaponizes and uses the law against dissidents. Lawfare destroys the very function of what the rule of law is supposed to do, which is to be objective.

By militarizing the law, lawfare demonstrates there is no longer a rule of law. The law is only there to protect those who are in government and the politically connected. They are no longer there to protect the average person. 

The growing rise of censorship by the government via social media platforms to silence dissenting and critical voices. Matt Taibbi uncovered this with The Twitter Files. Censorship further feeds the anti-politics political fire. 

Censorship creates the Streisand Effect. The Streisand Effect is that people want access to what is censored and know what is not allowed. People will find the information one way or another because they are curious to know what they are not permitted to see. 

What can you do since you can no longer rely on politicians or institutions? 

How Anti-Politics Leads To Self-Development

The conclusion of anti-politics is there are no political solutions. What can you do then? You must invest in yourself. Anti-politics leads to focusing on self-development.

You can no longer procrastinate on a project that needs to be done. By completing a task, you move closer to achieving your goals. Only by accomplishing the goals you set for yourself can you become more self-reliant, from your health to your finances. 

Focus on ways to become self-sufficient. A primary way to become more self-sufficient is to have an emergency supply of food that can last you a month. Depending on your space, you could have enough room for six months to a year. The next step is to garden and raise animals if you have the space where you live. You will then have access to fresh vegetables, fruit, and protein from the animals. 

Continue to upskill. By leveling up your skills, you can move up in your career or learn a new in-demand skill for which there is more market demand. You can self-educate yourself by taking an online course or getting a certification. You never stop learning. 

I found a copywriting certification on how to become a freelance copywriter. As a freelancer, it is a way for me to actively make more for my business while I work on building passive income streams. 

Make better use of your time. Practice time management strategies, from putting deadlines on your calendar to having a to-do list. Spend less time watching entertainment and dedicate that time toward achieving your goals. 

Focus on building a local close-knit community. You can spend time with your family and friends. You can get to know the local farmers and ranchers in your area. You choose the people who are part of your community. 

How Anti-Politics Connects To Personal Finance

Another critical area of self-development is personal finance. Since the politicians in the government will not deal with its spending and debt problem, they will raise taxes or indirectly tax people through inflation. 

The first step is to find ways to live below your means. Living below your means saves you money at the end of every month. Being frugal can help you find ways to productively make your money work for you. You can then invest your money to help it grow so you can begin to get your time back. 

The second step is to find ways to increase your income. You want to grow your income. You will be placed in a higher tax bracket but can find ways to keep more money as you become more financially savvy. 

The third step is to find ways to invest your money. You can decide which works best for you depending on your interests. You can diversify among other financial assets as your income grows. Common strategies to invest money are:

  • Invest in a retirement plan (401k, Roth IRA, 403b).

  • In the stock market.

  • Starting a business.

  • Real estate, you can flip or rent. 

  • Commodities.

The fourth step is finding ways to legally pay as little taxes as possible. There are many ways that the wealthy do this to protect their wealth. Utilize business deductions. Look into creating trusts. Learn about tax credits, deductions, and exclusions. Be sure to hire a good CPA. 

The fifth step is to invest in a Plan B. A Plan B can be a bug out cabin in the woods or having residency in another country. A Plan B allows you to get out once your red line has been crossed. Working remotely or having an online business makes moving to your Plan B location easier.


Anti-politics is growing. More people are becoming angry and dissatisfied with politicians, the government, and society’s institutions. Proactively direct that energy toward self-development and personal finance. Aim to better yourself rather than looking for a political hero. 

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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