The Blog
How to Survive World War 3: A Practical Survival Guide
Are you worried about World War 3? Here is how to survive World War 3.
Happiness in America: Career Beats Marriage
A career beats marriage as the top source of happiness in America.
The Alarming Connection Between Autism, Unemployment, And Suicide!
Did you know that autistic individuals are ten times more likely to commit suicide? Did you know that autistic adults have an unemployment rate as high as 90%? Here is a look at the connection between autism, unemployment, and suicide.
Understanding Autism: Embracing The Single Journey
Do you struggle to embrace your autism? Autism can make relationships difficult. Aspergers can make it hard to find employment. Here is a look at the single journey for those on the spectrum.
Exposing Political Escapism: False Saviors, Dependency, And Disempowerment
How does political escapism negatively impact your life? Looking to politicians for solutions makes them false saviors, which creates dependency and disempowerment.
The Sinister Truth Behind The News: Fear, Time Theft, And Narrative Control
The news runs 24/7/365 days a year. The news steals valuable time, makes you live in fear, and reduces problems to a false dilemma.
Finding Time To Exercise When You Work 60+ Hours A Week
Do you work multiple jobs? Are you unable to fit exercise into your schedule? Here are ten tips to help you find time to exercise when you work 60+ hours a week.
Anti-Politics And Self-Development: The Shocking Link Explained
How does anti-politics lead to self-development? Learn about the shocking link between how not participating in politics leads to a focus on self-development.
Does Everyone Need To Go To College?
Does everyone need to go to college? Society sends the message to young people that without a college degree, they will fail.
5 Reasons For The Growing Lack Of Self-Confidence In Young People
Why are many young people insecure? Here are five reasons for the growing lack of self-confidence in young people.
Debunking The Myth Of The Magical Other
Why does society tell people that there is a soulmate waiting for them? I am debunking the myth of the magical other today.
5 Reasons Young People Leave Romantic Relationships Behind
Society wants you to date and marry. Invest in yourself. Here are five reasons young people choose to leave romantic relationships behind.
Revealing The Purpose Of The Education System
The education system markets itself to set you up for success. The true purpose of the education system is to make you a compliant employee.
12 Reasons Why Young People Should Not Go To College
These are twelve reasons why young people should not go to college. You have more options. There is no reason to go into debt for college.
The Rise Of Ghost Jobs And Fake Job Ads
If navigating the job market and finding a job wasn't complicated enough, there are now ghost jobs on online job sites.
Discover The Unexpected Reason Young Adults Stay Single
In this article, you will discover the unexpected reason young adults stay single. It is not for the usually stated explanations.
The Power Of The Disagreeable Personality
Is it bad to be disagreeable? Popular society wants you to believe so. The power of the disagreeable personality is a superpower.
What You Can Do Instead Of Going To College
You have probably been told that you must go to college. You have more options for what you can do instead of going to college.
Be Exceptional In A Society That Wants You To Be Mediocre
It is up to you to choose to be exceptional in a society that encourages mediocrity. You can break away from being ordinary.
You May Have An Entertainment Addiction
You may have an entertainment addiction. We need to talk about it. Take this short quiz to find out if you have an entertainment addiction.