5 Reasons Young People Leave Romantic Relationships Behind

In a society that wants people to date, marry, and reproduce, the idea of men and women not wanting to date seems counterintuitive. Why are people deciding to leave romantic relationships behind? Here are five reasons why people choose to leave romantic relationships behind.

Leave romantic relationships behind and invest in yourself. Everything is likely going to continue to become more expensive. The 20th-century way of doing things often does not work in the 21st century. These are some reasons why people decide to leave romantic relationships behind.

Working Long Hours

People now work long hours just to be able to make ends meet today. Yet, many people in the United States do not have an emergency fund or even a thousand dollars to cover an emergency. There is a point where if a person can no longer enjoy some of the basic things that previous generations have enjoyed, then why work long hours for horrible pay? It is a reasonable action when a person is not optimistic about the future.

Never Being Able To Afford A Home

Redfin recently reported a person must now be in the six-figure club to afford a home. Owning a home has been the cornerstone of what has been called the “American Dream,” which has become the American Nightmare. For many who make under six figures a year, the hope of owning a home is beyond their reach.

Rising Cost Of Living

Along with no longer being able to afford a home, the cost of everything continues to rise due to inflation. Food prices are rising. Health and car insurance premiums are rising. Utilities are rising.

The middle class is being squeezed and shrinking. The working and lower classes were already having difficulty getting by, but now it is nearly impossible to survive without going into debt.

Lower Living Standards

If someone tries their best just to get by and live as minimalistic a life as possible to avoid debt, they must drastically lower their living standards. Even then, someone may not be successful. A medical emergency, a car accident, or another unforeseen problem may arise that is out of one’s control.

Millennials and Gen Z are moving back in with their parents. The hope of ever being financially independent for some young people is becoming a real concern.

Unable To Provide For Oneself

There is no reason to consider a romantic relationship if someone cannot provide for oneself. Financial security plays a vital role in self-confidence. Personal finance is essential in being able to take care of oneself. Yet, society intentionally does not teach young people the basics of personal finance. The result is a failure.

You must make enough money to put food on the table for yourself. You must be able to pay your bills. Find ways to eliminate unnecessary spending by following a budget. Live below your means. Pay off any debts. Save money. Find ways to invest and grow your money and net worth.

Financial independence is one way to develop self-confidence. There are three levels of financial freedom.


The old way of going to college and hoping for a good-paying job no longer works. You want to focus on your strengths, find a niche, and work to build an online business. There is no guarantee of success. Begin by working to turn a side hustle into an online business. You can add passive income streams to your business.

If you are good at writing, start a website or a Substack (or both). If you are good at sending a message through images, post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are good at video, start a YouTube or TikTok channel. If you are good with audio, create a podcast. Once you earn enough money, you can utilize all these different platforms. Until you can hire people and it is just you, focus on your two or three best platforms.

The best investment is in yourself. There is nothing wrong with leaving romantic relationships behind to focus on oneself. Romantic relationships can be an external distraction. One’s life should be in order before adding a spouse or children if that is what someone wants.

Society prepares people to be mediocre. You can be exceptional. But you must first decide to accept self-responsibility and invest in yourself.


There is nothing wrong with deciding to leave romantic relationships behind. It is best to work on oneself. The current state of the economy and financial security is an incentive to invest in oneself. Find ways to increase your income and reach your goals. You can continue to listen to society or invest in yourself.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!


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