7 Types Of Self-Investment
There are many distractions you can focus on: romantic relationships, politics, and the news. Instead of focusing on external distractions, begin to invest in yourself. Self-investment is the best way to thrive.
Self-investment means that you invest in yourself. There are many ways to do that:• Self-education• Personal finance• Self-development• Learn to cook• Health• Relationships• Monetize your passion
Self-education plays a more critical role in one’s life than the education system. Self-study allows a person to learn more about what they find interesting. Self-education is one characteristic of self-made millionaires.You can become a master of a topic or field through self-study. No fancy overpriced college degree is required.
Personal Finance
Personal finance plays a critical role in people’s daily lives. Master the basics of personal finance before working to move on to more advanced strategies to increase your income. The basics are:
Stay out of debt
Live below your means
Follow a budget
Spend less money than you make each month
Save money
Invest money
Build an emergency fund
Find ways to increase your income
Build passive income streams
Start with the basics. Once the basics are done, focus on more advanced personal fiancé strategies like building passive income streams and starting an online business.
Self-development is concerned with working on oneself. Ultimately, each person must decide what is most important to them. A range of skills fall under the category of personal development:
Hard skills
Soft skills
Interpersonal relationships
Intrapersonal relationship
Managing money
Time management
Develop a growth mindset
Practice gratitude
Learn To Cook
Learn to cook. Cooking is a way to save money. It is cheaper to make a meal for oneself than go out to eat or buy pre-prepared food. Start to use the kitchen more. Find and make simple recipes. Freeze the leftovers.
Health is critical. There are many reasons to pay attention to personal health. When your health is terrible, you may be unable to work or be productive. Some ways to focus on health are:
Regularly exercise
Go to the gym
Go for a daily walk
Get enough sleep
Get exposed to the sunlight for Vitamin D
Regularly see a doctor
Follow a healthy diet
Lose weight
Relationships play a vital role in one’s life. The range of relationships include:
Colleagues at work
Professional relationships (LinkedIn and professional networking)
Romantic relationships
Relationship with oneself
You must decide which relationship you want to focus on during each period of life. It will change as you mature and reach different life goals. There are times when it is best to develop oneself, while other times you may want to work to build a community around you where you live.
Find Ways To Monetize Your Passion
Jobs come and go, but you may never be out of work if you can find ways to monetize your passion. You will also enjoy work and want to do it each day. The Internet has made it easier to discover your interests. You no longer need to go to college, study, get a degree, and hope it works out. You can learn from people online by watching videos and purchasing digital courses.
You can then work to build your online presence. Build a business around a passion in a niche. People may eventually find you. You can then make money from:
Digital products
Physical products
Self-investment is the best investment you can make. Focus on your health, learn to cook, master the basics of personal finance, cook for yourself, prioritize your health, develop relationships, and work to monetize your passion.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!