Exposing Political Escapism: False Saviors, Dependency, And Disempowerment

Are you a victim of political escapism? Many people look to politicians for solutions. Political escapism leads to looking to false saviors, dependency, and disempowerment. The great news is there are three ways you can overcome political escapism.

“No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems - of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.” - Thomas Sowell

The Impact Of Political Escapism

Politics is a form of escapism. People often look at politicians as false saviors. Politicians make grandiose promises to solve all societal problems. Politicians make problems worse. Politicians fail to understand the unintended consequences of their laws and policies. Their lack of understanding of the law of unintended consequences directly affects you, small and medium-sized businesses, and the economy. 

False Saviors

Politicians present themselves as the answer to complex issues. They promise quick and simple fixes to problems they do not understand. 

Politicians promise you that by electing them, they can solve all of your problems. Idolizing political figures as saviors diverts your attention from practicing personal responsibility and self-agency. 

I used to think that political solutions were a viable option. I volunteered and helped with some local political campaigns in college. I helped manage the social media for political candidates running for office. I helped with the search engine optimization (SEO) of their websites. I gained more experience developing my skills, but none of the political candidates improved my quality of life. 


You make yourself dependent upon political figures to solve problems. You expect politicians to solve every little problem. It leads to learned helplessness. 

By making yourself dependent upon the political class, you give up your ability to solve problems in your life and community. You make yourself helpless by being unable to find ways to take action and solve problems yourself. To better your life and your community. 


You disempower yourself by giving away your power to politicians, bureaucrats, and policymakers. It does not matter whether their political stripe or the letter is next to their name.

When you expect a solution to come from outside yourself, you stop taking action. You give away your power to improve your life to a politician. 

You can empower yourself. By taking small daily actions to improve your life. You can achieve your goals. 

Solutions To Overcome Political Escapism

To reclaim personal power and break free from political escapism, here are three strategies to help you overcome political escapism.

Seek Solutions To Your Problems

Stop expecting politicians to solve your problems. Identify areas where you can take action to improve your life. Some common areas include:

  • Improve your financial situation.

  • Learn about personal finance.

  • Enhance your skills.

  • Build strong relationships with friends, family, and members of your community.

  • Focus on finding solutions to problems that you have control over. 

Empower Yourself

Empower yourself by being active in your life. Show up every day. Work to accomplish three to five tasks each day.

By continually showing up each day, you develop self-discipline. You can work to complete a larger goal by completing small tasks. In the process, you will build self-confidence.

So, why not start today? Take the first step toward empowering yourself and achieving your goals.

Practice Self-Responsibility

Self-responsibility directly connects to self-discipline. Practicing self-discipline and self-responsibility leads to freedom. When you take responsibility for your life, you stop looking for external saviors.

You can change your life for the better. It is a slow process. Success does not come overnight. Accepting self-responsibility for your actions and choices is how you improve your life.

Only you can improve your life for the better. No politician can do that for you. 

It is your life. It is your journey. It is your responsibility.  


You make yourself a victim when you look to politicians to change your life for the better. You can start improving your life by practicing self-responsibility, empowering yourself, and finding solutions to your problems. Stop looking to politicians for solutions.

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

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Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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