The Sinister Truth Behind The News: Fear, Time Theft, And Narrative Control

The news constantly pushes breaking news stories and information. It can become tiring to continue to keep up every day. Here is a look at the sinister truth behind the news and three strategies to change your news consumption. 

The Impact Of News Consumption

You can easily become overwhelmed by the constant information overload with news stories available twenty-four hours a day, three-hundred sixty-five days a year. Mainstream and alternative news helps to drive a narrative to coalesce viewers to a particular narrative goal.


News outlets, from news websites to television and streaming sources, focus on headlines and stories that focus on fear

Fear is a primal emotion. Fear generates more clicks and views. Fear sells.

The news outlets’ emphasis on fearmongering can skew your perception of society and the world. It can change how you view others. The news can make you believe that the world is worse than it is. 

Fear can negatively affect your physical and mental health. 

Time Theft

When you constantly scroll through news articles on your phone and listen to the news on the radio, podcast, television, or streaming service, you allow the news to steal your time. You allow your news consumption to steal time your valuable time. 

If you read news sources from multiple news outlets across the political spectrum to “stay informed,” the news steals even more of your time. The problem is so many news stories come out from the morning to late at night. In an attempt to be informed of current events, you allow the news to plunder your time.

In high school and college, I read the news on news aggregates sites. I gave too much of my time away in wanting to stay up to date on what was happening in the news cycle.

Instead, spend time on productive activities to improve your life. Always checking the news is a bad habit that distracts you from reaching your goals. 

Narrative Control

The media controls the narrative. The fourth and even the fifth estate (social media) can control the masses. The media does this in subtle ways. News stories break problems into simplistic black-and-white issues. 

Political factions often align with specific narratives. The news media incites the flames that grow the fire of these divisions. A 'divide and conquer' strategy is a powerful tool in shaping public opinion. 

People may identify others based on where they get their news from. They then connect it and make assumptions about a person's political views and other beliefs. 

The population then becomes angry at each other. Polarization prevents people from getting to know people beyond where they get the news and their political views. The result is a low-trust society.

Issues are often more complex than the false dilemma options that the media presents. By putting them in bite-size snippets, the public can easily repeat media talking points. 

Solutions To Overcome News Consumption

You can break free from the news cycle of fear, time theft, and narrative control. Here are three strategies to help you overcome news consumption.

Set Time Limits

If you still want to follow the news, set a time limit. Give yourself only a limited amount of time to watch the news. By reducing your news intake, you can feel less overwhelmed.

Avoid checking the news when you first wake up or before bed. This habit of being more aware of when you choose to catch up on the news can help prevent anxiety or depression. 

The result? You may discover you have a more restful and peaceful sleep.

Engage In Media Fasting

Periodically take breaks from news consumption to reset your mind. You can use your time engaging in a media fast to be productive. 

Focus on a hobby, exercising, or connecting with your loved ones. Media fasting can help you refocus on the world outside the news cycle.

Productively Use Your Time

How much time do you spend consuming news every week? Keep track of your new consumption for one week. The result likely will surprise you.

Then, ask yourself, could you find a more productive use of your time?

You could use the time you spend keeping up with the news to invest in yourself. You could learn a new skill. You could start a side hustle. You could take a digital course. You could start a business. 

There is a life beyond the news!


You can regain your freedom by giving less attention, time, and energy to the news cycle. Stop allowing the news to make you live in fear. You can find ways to use that time to invest in yourself. 

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

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Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


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