Sixteen New Year's Resolutions for Single People

It has been 2016 now for nearly two weeks. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is more common in the West than in the East, but both hemispheres take part in the tradition. New Year’s resolutions will vary from person to person and the goals that each person seeks to achieve for the next year. Secure Single has made a list of sixteen New Year’s resolutions that single people should consider making, or acting on, in 2016.

  1. Write down who your five closest friends are and stay connected with each about both the good and bad things happening in life.

  2. Ask someone who you think is interesting to coffee, lunch, or dinner and get to know that person more as a friend. (Asking a single person to do either of those things does not necessarily make it a date.)

  3. Write down two, five year, and ten-year goals for your life that you want to achieve and work on making them become reality.

  4. Volunteer at a food bank, soup kitchen, or for a cause that you want to spend your time giving back to your community.

  5. Call your parents and siblings once a month.

  6. Do not use your phone at the table when you are with others for coffee, lunch, or dinner.

  7. Do not go out to eat as much and learn how to cook.

  8. Learn how to successfully keep a budget and work on paying off any debt that you may have this year.

  9. Explore your city or town. 

  10. Clean and organize your house or apartment.

  11. Read a book that you have been meaning to read.

  12. Read, respect, and consider the opposing sides arguments on topics and subjects that you disagree and learn how to respectfully make your case with those with whom you disagree about politics, philosophy, and religion.

  13. Get the recommended amount of sleep (7 to 10 hours).

  14. Arrive to work, events, and meetings on time.

  15. Take an online class or get lessons on a subject that you want to learn.

  16. Spend less time on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or [insert favorite social media here].

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single's Substack for free!



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