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Successful Singles: Revealing The Hidden Secrets Of Prosperity

What are the secrets of successful singles on how to achieve prosperity? It's all about the transformative power of positive habits, the understanding of money, and the commitment to continual self-development. Here are the fifteen secrets revealing the hidden secrets of prosperity. 


Self-discipline is the key to freedom. By practicing self-discipline, you are building the habit of consistency. You are teaching yourself to show up each day. Discipline helps you achieve goals. 

You will remain stuck where you are because you have no self-discipline. With self-discipline, you can accomplish your goals. The longer you delay, the more you risk staying in the same place. You will miss out on the opportunities that could lead to your growth and success. 

Do you like where you are? Or do you want to change? 


Self-responsibility follows self-discipline. Only by accepting responsibility for your choices and actions will you be more aware of the impact of your decisions. It's your responsibility to make better choices. By being wise in your decisions and actions, you hold the power to shape your life. 

As the architect of your life, you can create a slum or a beautiful house. What you build reflects you.

Society wants you to find heroes to look up to. These heroes often come as politicians, celebrities, and social media influencers. When you place all your hopes on these figures, you give up your self-responsibility to improve yourself. You make yourself a victim. You give up your power to change your life. You give your control of self-growth and success to these figures who do not even know you exist.

Practicing self-responsibility in your daily and financial life helps you find success. You are looking to change your current situation for the better.


Mastering yourself is vital to preventing others from manipulating you. By honing your patience and self-control, you can thwart those who seek to exploit your impatience or quick temper. Take charge of your emotions and exercise self-control. 

Learn to be patient. Be slow to anger. Do not allow your emotions to rule you. Practice critical thinking and logical reasoning. Know your limitations. You cannot do everything. 

Don't allow external influences to undermine your strengths and skills. Instead, concentrate on internal validation. Strive to achieve your goals and understand yourself. Master yourself.  


Education does not stop after graduating from high school or college. You only begin your lifelong journey of learning. Self-learning is vital for personal success. 

The school and higher education system do not teach you the skills to prepare you for life. The modern educational-industrial complex indoctrinates students. The education system prepares you to become an obedient employee.

Self-study is not just a tool for prosperity. It's a gateway to freedom. It liberates you from the constraints of traditional education. Self-education opens up a world of opportunities.

Critical thinking is not just a skill. Thinking for yourself fuels self-education. Self-learning is the key to unlocking knowledge that others might miss. The journey of learning never ends. It's a lifelong commitment that motivates and inspires you to continue until you take your last breath.


Self-confidence is attractive. You radiate optimism. When you are confident, people are naturally drawn to your positive energy. You become a beacon of hope. You inspire others. Your unwavering self-belief signals to others what they can become.

You build self-confidence by accomplishing goals. Start with small goals. Relish the sense of achievement as you complete them.

Each success will reinforce your confidence as you progress to medium and large goals. Before you realize it, you will be basking in the fulfillment of your achievements.

Building self-confidence is a transformative process. It takes time. But with each goal you achieve, you are proving to yourself that you can overcome self-doubt.

As you progress, you will notice a new, confident individual emerging from the ashes of your former self like a phoenix.

You are the living proof of the power of self-belief and determination.

Embrace Discomfort

Comfort makes you a slave to it. Familiar comforts include:

  • Watching the news.

  • Following politics.

  • Watching movies and streaming entertainment.

  • Taking various types of drugs and substances. 

By choosing discomfort, you are deciding to live differently from others.

Escaping the comfort zone forces you to try new things. You learn from mistakes and failures. Resilience is essential for personal growth. 

Consistency can be uncomfortable. Choosing to continue when others say to give up. Making the hard choices in a world that encourages the easy option.

By embracing discomfort, you are taking the hard path. The difficult path is the most rewarding.

Know Yourself

Successful singles are those who truly understand themselves. They know their strengths, weaknesses, competency, and values.

Self-awareness is a powerful compass. Self-awareness guides these successful singles toward their goals.

Self-awareness helps them navigate their careers. It helps them know their limits. Self-awareness shines a light on when they should say 'no' or 'yes' to an opportunity.

If you do not know yourself, others will tell you what your skills are. They will most likely be wrong since they only see you occasionally. You will continue to say 'yes' to things when you should be turning them down. You want to know yourself to hone in on the steps needed to reach your goals.

You have to learn to live with yourself. You have to deal with the things you do not like about yourself every day. The weaknesses you wish you did not have may limit you from doing things you want. 

My Lack Of Self-Awareness in My Twenties

I originally got a degree in political science because I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I would have been a terrible lawyer. I lack verbal communication skills. I am not charismatic. 

I then thought I could work in tech. I attended graduate school to study information and cybersecurity. I later found out I had one class left. I never graduated with a Master's. I am okay with not being tech-savvy enough to work in cybersecurity. No employer wanted to hire me when I was applying for jobs and trying to get interviews during my final classes in my graduate program. 

If you do not know yourself, like I did not know myself in my twenties, you will continue wasting your precious time. You will focus on the wrong things. It will delay you from discovering your strengths and skills, which will delay you from being able to make money to live and thrive. 

Time Management

Mastering time management is critical to reaching your goals. If you neglect this skill, success will always remain out of reach. 

You can make back money. You can make new friends. But you cannot regain lost time. Time is a resource that, once it is spent, you can never regain it. It vanishes.

You become a second, week, month, year, or decade older. Time ticks away on the clock. It continues you on, infinite. You only have a limited amount of time as a finite human being.

Effective time management strategies encompass a variety of techniques. One time management method is setting deadlines. Setting deadlines is a powerful tool. Deadlines help you stay on track and maximize your time. You pressure yourself to finish a task by having deadlines on your calendar.

Have you accomplished anything with your time? Have you been a good steward of your time? Or are you wasting it?

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate).

Seek Mentorship

Seeking mentorship is vital for success. You can find virtual and in-person mentors.

A mentor could be someone you look up to or follow. They are farther ahead of you. They may be where you want to be in five or ten years.

Mentors help you by telling you about their successes and failures. You can learn from their life experiences.

Mentorship is not limited to a single field. You can find mentors in spirituality, finance, business, and any other area that interests you.

Growth Mindset

Successful people have a growth mindset. When most people would give up and say they can’t do something, they continue on. Characteristics of a growth mindset are:

  • They accept challenges.

  • They are always looking for ways to improve.

  • They are willing to take the time to solve problems.

  • They never give up.

  • They understand that they can develop talent.

These unique traits help them succeed where the average person would give up.

Have No Debt

In a society that has normalized debt, having no debt is even more critical than ever. Debt makes you a slave to the lender. There are many types of debt:

  • College loans

  • Credit card debt

  • Buy now, pay later

  • Car loans

  • Mortgage

Debt decreases the amount of money that you can save every month. For instance, if you have lots of credit card debt, a portion of your monthly income will go towards paying off the interest and, eventually, all of the debt.

You are left with less money to save or invest. Debt also prevents you from being able to invest in stocks, start your own business, or make other profitable financial decisions.

Being debt-free is the foundation for financial freedom.

Save Money Every Month

They make a point to save money every month. A budget can help you stop living paycheck-to-paycheck. Following a budget helps you learn to manage your money. 

A key benefit of following a budget is your ability to build a robust emergency fund. An emergency fund helps you financially for an unplanned emergency.

Building up your savings through disciplined budgeting paves the way toward financial freedom. It gives you options. You can wait for a better job if you resign or are fired since you have built up savings.

Budget strategies recommend saving 20% to 30% each month, depending on your budgeting style. 

Live Below Their Means

They live below their means. Living below your means allows you to save money every month. A frugal lifestyle enables you to increase your net worth over your lifetime. You can then put that money in a high-yield savings account, certificate of deposit (CD), or invest it. 

This is the opposite of what many people do. Many people live beyond their means. They end up with debt on multiple credit cards with no way to pay them off. They live off of debt and have a negative net worth. This is why many Americans have less than $1,000 saved


They invest a percent of their monthly income into investments that will increase in value. You could invest in the stock market. You have a variety of different stocks to choose from:

  • Growth stocks

  • IPO stocks

  • Value stocks

  • Income stocks

  • Defensive stocks

  • Blue-chip stocks

  • Penny stocks

  • Cyclical stocks

  • Non-cyclical stocks

Each stock type comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Knowing your risk appetite is vital to making the right investment decision.

Growth stocks might be for you if you're comfortable with higher risk. You can make riskier investments when you are younger. You have more time to make money back if an investment goes south. You can then learn from it.

Income stocks pay a consistent dividend if you prefer a more stable investment. The stock may remain relatively stable or rise depending on the company.

You can continue to hold the income stock to build one passive income stream. You could reinvest it into the stock to earn more shares in a company. Or you could invest the dividend you receive into another stock.

Passive Income Streams

Passive income streams give you your valuable time back. There are many ways that you can build passive income streams:

  • Dividend-paying stocks.

  • Advertising revenue from a website or videos.

  • Earning royalties from books, music, images, movies, etc.

  • Monthly subscriptions from a newsletter or another service.

  • Selling a digital or physical product online. 

Creating passive income streams is a liberating journey that requires time and effort. Passive income streams allow you to take control of your time and finances. It's freeing to see your income grow while you sleep.


These are fifteen strategies that successful singles practice to have prosperity. It is the hard path. It requires changing your bad habits to good habits. It requires learning about self-development and personal finance. 

Do you want to stay stuck where you are? Or do you want to have prosperity? 

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.