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The Realist's Path To Success: Why Seeing Things Clearly Is Key

How can being a realist lead to success? When you think of the path to success, do you picture someone with unwavering optimism? However, another powerful mindset doesn't always get the spotlight: realism. Let's dive into why embracing realism can be your secret weapon on the journey to achieving your goals.

What Does It Mean To Be A Realist?

“He who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, sooner effects his ruin than his preservation.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

 As a realist, you see the world as it is. You assess situations objectively. You acknowledge both the challenges and opportunities without letting emotions cloud your judgment. Realism is not about being pessimistic or cynical, although it is often confused with pessimism. Instead, realism is about having a grounded perspective. Being grounded helps you make informed decisions.

I know what you're thinking—doesn't realism crush dreams and curb enthusiasm? Quite the opposite. Being a realist means you approach your dreams with a clear-eyed view. You acknowledge the obstacles you might face. You prepare to tackle them head-on. 

Being pragmatic sets the stage for achieving genuine and lasting success.

Realism Promote Better Decision-Making

One of the key elements of success is making smart decisions. Learning to make smart decisions is where realism outshines optimism and pessimism.

Imagine you’re planning to launch your first business. A purely optimistic person might ignore potential pitfalls that would come up with a business. A realist considers every angle and issue as a business owner. A realist evaluates the risks and benefits before making a decision. The result is you make well-informed choices that increase your chances of success.

Which person do you think is more likely to succeed? The realist. They did the market research. A realist looks at the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. The realist writes a business plan identifying holes in the marketplace. The realist includes products and services they can sell to customers so the business can make a profit as soon as possible. 

Think about a time when you had to make a tough decision. Did looking at the situation realistically help you see the pros and cons more clearly? I’ve found that when I set aside my wishful thinking and emotions and instead focus on the cold, hard facts and data, I make decisions that align more closely with my goals:

Being stoic is critical for personal success. Focus on the things you can control. Ignore the things you are unable to control.

Realism Encourages Resilience

Success doesn’t happen overnight. You only see the results of someone who has become successful afterward. You do not know the dedication, long hours, and hard work necessary to succeed. 

Success requires persistence and resilience. Realists understand that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. By anticipating challenges, they are better prepared to face adversity without getting discouraged.

Creating a backup plan is a critical attribute of resiliency. A single point of failure can destroy your momentum or journey to success. Something can and will go wrong. The only question is when. 

A realistic mindset transforms obstacles into manageable challenges. As a realist, you’re not caught off guard by difficulties. You’re ready for them. Having this foresight builds resilience. 

Resilience is a crucial trait for anyone striving for success.

Realism Leads To Effective Problem Solving

Success comes from solving other people's problems. Problem-solving is crucial, whether improving a product, enhancing customer satisfaction, or devising innovative growth strategies.

Realists excel in this area because they confront issues head-on. 

Let's say you encounter a problem at work. Instead of ignoring it, a realist will analyze the situation. A realist will identify the root cause. A realist will develop a practical solution to resolve the issue.

The realistic and proactive approach not only resolves the problem but also prevents similar issues from arising in the future. When you tackle challenges with a realistic mindset, you position yourself as a reliable problem-solver.

You build and earn trust and respect because people know they can count on you to work hard and solve problems

Realism Fosters Authentic Relationships

Building strong and authentic relationships is essential to success, whether in business, your personal life, or your relationship with oneself. 

Realists are honest and straightforward. These qualities foster trust and authenticity. By being transparent about your strengths and weaknesses and making others comfortable conversing with you, you create an environment where others feel comfortable doing the same. 

By being honest with yourself, you understand your capabilities. You know not to oversell yourself and what you can do. Self-honesty creates realistic expectations from others in your professional and personal life. 

In my experience, you're more likely to form genuine connections when you approach relationships with realism. People appreciate the sincerity. They are more willing to collaborate when they know you're honest about your skillset and intentions. They are more likely to want to talk to you since they know they can converse honestly. They know you are not telling them what you may think they want to hear. In your relationship with yourself, you are honest about your abilities, knowledge, and relationships with others. 

Realism Helps You Set Realistic Goals

Aim high, but set realistic and achievable goals within a reasonable timeframe. Having goals helps to motivate you. Being realistic about your goals forces you to be honest about your capabilities and skills. By being honest with yourself when it comes to goal-setting, it helps to prevent disappointment.

Realism Prepares You for Challenges

Acknowledge that obstacles will happen. Challenges are part of life. You can decide to overcome them when they arise. Successfully overcoming challenges helps you build self-confidence and resiliency.

Realism Teaches You To Stay Positive

Celebrate small wins. Maintain an optimistic outlook on your ability for success. Practice positive self-talk rather than getting stuck in the loop of negative self-talk. 

Realism Teaches You To Learn From Your Failures

Instead of viewing your failure as the end, see a mistake as a learning opportunity. Each setback is a chance to grow. Learning from errors allows you to continually refine your approach. Failure can help you start a fresh new journey and lead you in a new direction. 


Being a realist doesn't mean you lack ambition, creativity, or positivity. On the contrary, realism provides a strong foundation for achieving success. Realism promotes better decision-making, resilience, problem-solving, and authentic relationships. By embracing a realistic mindset, you equip yourself with the proper tools needed to navigate the complexities of the real world and ultimately find success.

Order your copy of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. 

Views expressed in this article are the author's opinions and views and do not reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Secure Single does not give health, medical, relationship, travel, or financial advice. Secure Single does not provide advice of any kind. Always consult and speak with a professional. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.