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Three Ways To End A Friendship: Fade To Black Or Get Creative
Here are the three main ways to end a friendship when you are no longer getting along or the friendship has finally run its course.
Loneliness: Four Ways A Lack Of Social Connection Can Kill You
Loneliness is often confused with being alone; however, the former has been found to be a cause of death among higher isolated individuals. In the 21st Century with the advent of social media there is a misconception that the more “Friends” we have the better and healthier we are. The opposite is true.
Seven Signs Your Friendship Is Ending
Friendship is fluid and for this reason your social circles of friends will continue to change throughout your life, despite remaining “Friends” with old friends and acquaintances on social media. Given that friendship is always fluctuating, there will come a time where you may need to end some friendships.
Single And Asexual: Not Dreaming All Day About Sex
There are many different types of singles. Some single may want to get married one day. Some singles are single by choice and will remain single for the rest of their lives.
Single At Church: The Bible, Church, And Small Group
It can be difficult to be single in the Christian bubble. For a long time, both in Protestant and Orthodox religious spheres, single Christians have heard the message from the pulpit that finding a husband or wife to love is what any true God fearing Christian should aim to have in life. However, some Protestant churches have begun to change their message directed at singles by taking the Bible passages that address the single life seriously.
5 Ways To Spring Into The Single Life
Spring is a time of rebirth. Plants begin to sprout and birth new life as the season begins from what were once dead shrubs. Being single can also be a start of a new beginning. A relationship may have just ended and you are now on break. The single life is a time to grow and mature as an individual before entering a relationship or to just work on yourself. As the first day of Spring brings a new season, here are five ways to spring into the single life.
5 Satisfying Situations When Being Single Is So Liberating
People often have the perception that the grass appears to be greener on the other side of the fence. The truth is all about how one views their current circumstances. Single people versus those in a relationship often desire to be in each others' place. Contrary to what society tells us to do, get married and buy a house on the hill, there are actually a lot of positive things about being single, including a lot of freedoms you might not otherwise have if you were to be in a serial relationship.
Single Again After A Divorce
Divorce is a difficult experience to go through; but if you are recently divorced, you are not alone. The divorce rate in the United States, and other developed countries, is around 50% with people in their early twenties having the highest rate of divorce. Divorce is more common than people may realize in a society that wants couples to date and to get married. Since you are single again, here are three ways to move on after a divorce and to improve your own life as a new single.
Single Woman Takes Pride in Career Driven Life
A lot of women get slammed for choosing their careers and being assertive. Those traditional values, no matter how old they are, seem to still be sticky with our current time. Sarah Silverman, 46, is a career-focused woman and a symbol for modern day Feminism. In a recent Twitter statement, Sarah stated that she decided to live her life to the fullest over becoming a mother.
Five Ways To Be A Great Friend
Friendship is the state of forming a bond with another person to get to know them better and to enjoy spending time with them. The Greek word for the love between friends is philia. Friendship often neglected and placed behind sexual and romantic relationships. Despite the age of social media where people can have hundreds of friends, most people do not know how to be a good friend.
Online Dating Horror Stories
Welcome to the Internet, where online dating is normal. Here are some online dating horror stories!
Single and Lonely? Here Are Real Tips To Deal With It!
You’re single and proud of it. While all your friends are out there getting married, starting families, and pairing up, you’re left standing there alone as the free bird. It should feel great, but for some reason, you may feel very feel more alone than ever. One thing you need to know is that you’re not alone.Companionship is great, but only if you’ve taken the time to truly love and accept yourself first and foremost can you then fully share yourself with another person.
5 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day Single
Are you single and wondering what to do on Valentine's Day? Here are five ways to celebrate Valentine's Day as a single person!
5 Things You Should Get Your Single Friends For Their Birthday
During the holiday season, picking the right gift for your friends can be tough. But what do you get your friends for the holiday if they are single? Here are the top five things you should get your single friends for their birthdays.
Find Out What Type of Single You Are: Must Read
Whether you are are a socialite or a wallflower, one of the most common categories people will inevitably put you in are as follows: Single (check) or in a relationship (...blank).That is just too broad though… There are actually sub categories within the single status that most people overlook -- other than the single cat lady down the street. Looking beyond that, there are quite a few types of singles. Here are a few to give you a taste. Find out which one you are!
3 Activities Every Single Needs To Do Today To Grow As A Single Person
There are more valuable activities for singles to pursue in life than dating and marriage. These are three activities that singles can start doing today!
Reasons To Love Being Single
Being in love is one of the happiest feelings in the world, but what do you do if you aren’t in love? Many people feel left out and extremely pressured, which can lead to living a stressful life. In a study done by The Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of the U.S. is currently not married. There really is no reason to fre
Five Reasons Why Being Single Is Awesome
Contrary to popular thought, it is fantastic to be single! Here are five reasons why being single is awesome!
Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays
Secure Single wants to wish all singles a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Core Values Of Secure Single
As you probably noticed, Secure Single has a distinctly nautical theme. This visual messaging is a key element of our branding, identity, and purpose. Let's briefly explore each of the four main aspects of the Secure Single logo and how they correspond with our four core values as an organization.