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Celebrate National Singles Day 2018
Celebrate being single on National Singles Day 2018 and let's work to change society together to stop stigmatizing single people.
Single In Your 30s But Want To Date
There is nothing wrong with being single in your 30s because it is a time to discover yourself and to prepare yourself for someone.
Dating In Your 30s And 40s And You Still Want To Get Married? 6 Surprising Things That'll Make You Thankful
If you want to get married and are unhappily dating in your 40s there are a few things you've got to know that will make your life much more joyful!
Basic Guide For How Singles Can Host A Party
An important life skill for anyone to learn is how to host a party. This is a basic guide for how singles can host a party.
Alpha Females In Relationships: Are Men Afraid Of Successful Single Educated Women?
If you one of the alpha females in relationships (or not) I would like know what you think about this idea. Are relationships out for alpha women?
Single In College Is The Best Choice
Do you have to date in college? Why not focus on self-development? Here is why being single in college is the best choice!
4 Comebacks For Feel Good Dating Advice You Don't Want From Your Friends
Do you feel pressure to date? Here are four comebacks for feel good dating advice you don't want from your friends
Single Mothers And Politics: From Scapegoat To Powerful Force
Single mothers are the scapegoats of many candidates. Here is how single mothers and politics went from scapegoat to a powerful force.
Why The Church Needs A Theological Reevaluation Of Singleness
There is a need for the church to perform a theological reevaluation of singleness and return to the tradition of the early church and church fathers theological understanding of singleness.
30 Ways To Make The Most Of Being Single!
The single life offers a lot to singles and here are 30 ways to make the most of being single. Thrive as a single person today!
The Outdated Single Woman Stigma: How To Value Yourself And Live The Best Life Ever!
Single women are stigmatized. Here is a look at the outdated single woman stigma and how to value yourself and live the best life ever!
5 Kitchen Cleaning Hacks You Can Use Today!
Do you hate cleaning the kitchen? I do, too! You can clean the dirty kitchen. Here are five kitchen cleaning hacks you can use today!
5 Reasons Why Living As A Single Mother Rocks!
If you're a single mother and think things are hard— When you look at things from the perspective of being an empowered solo woman it changes everyhing!
Workplace Bias, Singlism, And Discrimination Of Singles At Work
Is the workplace biased towards couples? Here is a look at workplace bias, singlism, and discrimination of singles at work.
Singles Pursuit Of Solitude Alone
There is nothing wrong with spending time alone. It is beneficial. Here is a look at singles pursuit of solitude alone.
Being A Single Mom: 3 Secrets To Make You Happy And Single
Some people think being a single mom is terrifying— But it doesn't have to be. You can learn these 3 simple tricks to be happy and single!
How To Enjoy Being Single In 3 Simple Steps: Don't Rush Real Love
If you don't know the secrets for how to enjoy being single, don't miss step number two. It will give you time to love yourself!
6 Reasons Why It Is Not Unnatural To Be Single
Society believes that it is unnatural to be single. Here are six reasons why it is not unnatural to be single!
National Girlfriends Day Scariest Moments On Twitter— Plus 5 Great Girlfriend Tips
What is National Girlfriends Day Anyway? Do you even know? Some of the women at Twitter have it all wrong! Don't make these deadly mistakes.
Sad To Be Single
Society wants you to think it is sad to be single. There are many benefits to a single life. You can thrive as a single person!