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3 Ways Singles Can Deal With Relationship Envy
You may just realize that marriage and relationships just suck and want to join a polyamorous community. Or you may toss in the towel altogether and say fuck it. However you decide to handle your relationship envy, just enjoy being single and love yourself through all of it.
How Singles Can Bring In The New Year Alone
There is no reason why singles should not participate in New Year’s because of their singlehood. In fact, this is a chance to turn the holiday upside down and to work to change what is believed about how to celebrate the holiday. Singles should celebrate the holiday with friends, find an event, or bring in the New Year alone.
5 Ways That Church Singles Groups Hurt Singles
The consequence of idealizing marriage and making it the only way to live the Christian life is false, detrimental to the church and Body of Christ, and does not affirm that being single is good. The church needs to correct its ship and redirect its teaching to positively discuss what the Bible says about singleness and being single.
Merry Christmas To All Singles This Holiday Season
Thank you again for your support and Merry Christmas to our readers and those who are single, single again, and unmarried. Thrive as a single person and enjoy the single life this Christmas!
12 Ways To Enjoy Christmas Alone
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me… You don’t have a true love and there are no soul mates, so screw that lyric to the song. Here are twelve ways to enjoy spending Christmas alone this year.
4 Responses To The Family Scrooge At Christmas Dinner
They will ask, why are you single and why are you not seeing anyone? You are handsome or gorgeous after all. Here is a Christmas conversation guide for how to respond to the Christmas Scrooge at Christmas dinner this year.
5 Ways To Navigate Engagement Season This Christmas
Tis the season this Christmas to get engaged! What do you do when everyone around you is getting paired up? Here are the top five ways you can feel amazing about your singlehood when everyone else has an engagement and are getting ready to get married.
9 Reasons Why It's Best To Be Single During The Christmas Season
Being single during the holidays is often presented as a sad and lonely life, but it is actually the opposite. There is nothing wrong with being single or alone during Christmas.
How Singles Can Handle Christmas Dinner With Family
It is expected during this season that singles date someone. Along with the added pressure of cuffing season, there are the Christmas and holiday dinner conversations about how you are doing, your love life, and why you are single.
Single By Circumstance And Emotionally Unavailable
We are worth it, and we can begin today to heal ourselves from emotionally unavailable to a whole and complete person today. Follow these three steps if you are single by circumstance and emotionally unavailable.
Single And Not Wanting To Date Someone Who Wants Kids
There are many people who are single who may want to date, but they do not date people who want to have kids. In order to love better and have a more liberated life, you have got to work hard for what you want. Here’s the breakdown in three steps.
Star Wars Jedi Are Single And Celibate
May the force be with you singles! The Jedi in Star Wars movies take a vow of celibacy to protect the galaxy and to use the Force for good. Jedi are fighting monks who use lightsabers and the Force to combat the Dark Side.
Singles Do Not Need To Date During Cuffing Season
The fall and winter seasons are a time when singles are expected to find a significant other. This time is called cuffing season. It is called cuffing season because it is believed that singles desire to be cuffed or tied down to a serious relationship and to bring a significant other back home during the holidays.
5 Ways To Be Your Best Single Self During Holidays
Being single is awesome! And here is why. Being single is the time you have to ‘figure it all out’, but of course that is a lifelong journey.
5 Reasons Why Singles Are More Social Than Their Coupled Up And Married Friends
There is a myth believed by society and people that if you are single, you are isolated and alone. Nothing is further from the truth. Singles are more social and have a larger community than their married friends.
3 Responses When Asked Why You're Single This Holiday
Being single is a universal state that everyone can relate to, because at one point or another everyone has been single. During this holiday season, we all know that if you are in your 20’s and 30’s without a significant other, then people are going to be asking what’s up.
5 White Elephant Christmas Present Ideas For Singles
Got your gift, and ready to go? Well then, great work! The nice thing about white elephant parties are that they are great for single people because it is one gift to a group of friends, and when everyone participates it can be a lot of fun because everyone gets a gift.
5 Reasons Why Singles Should Meditate During The Holiday Season
Meditation can calm a stressful mind and will help you center yourself before you go back out onto the battlefield of life. Here are the five benefits of meditation that you can integrate into your schedule that singles can implement today.
5 Life Experiences Singles Should Have Before A Relationship
As an anecdote to cheating, risky behavior, or downright dangerous acts, relieving yourself of these five things may be just the key to save yourself from heartache should you enter a committed relationship.
3 Ways Singles Can Have Amazing Relationships With Their Friends
Good relationships bounce us backup after we have fallen. It is up to us to nurture and foster a loving environment for our relationships to become deep and meaningful. Here are three ways you can improve your relationships today!